Everyone knows that proper and regular maintenance is nece ary to keep your automobile in good worki
Deciding on a mechanic to entrust with caring for your vehicle is an important decision and should not be taken lightly. Finding the perfect mechanic i 't rocket science but on the other hand there i 't exactly a manual on how to find a good one either. Here are some things to keep in mind that will help you.
First off, ask the pro ective mechanic for some references. Tell him what's in it for him. If you own several vehicles let him know that you will bring all of them to him for regular maintenance and repairs. Tell him that you take the car of your vehicles seriously and that is why you want to be able to eak to some of his customers to see what they have to say. If he is a reputable mechanic he will have no problem with this because he will have a long list of ha y and satisfied clients. Another thing you can do along these same lines is ask friends and relatives who they use to take care of their cars and trucks. If you ask enough people you are sure to find a name that comes up often.
The next thing you should be concerned with is his qualificatio or certificatio . I prefer using a mechanic who is ASE certified as this is the industry standard and i ures that the mechanic is proficient in his craft. Don't be afraid to ask the mechanic about this, a good mechanic will be proud of their achievements and will lost likely have them di layed where they can be seen. Don't trust you automobile to a shade tree mechanic.
If you belong to a car club for your particular make of vehicle ask other owners who they use. Most likely you will find that the majority of them use the same person who ecializes in your particular vehicle and may even offer a discount to members of your club.
Finding a quality mechanic is important to the life of your car, don't underestimate this and take the time to find a good one.