Auto i urance can make all of the difference in the world in the unfortunate event of an accident. N
For example, liability coverage will cover damage you cause to other vehicles in an accident, and it can also cover others' medical expe es.
The type of policy you have will determine the dollar amount of coverage you receive in these areas. The cost of the policy will be affected by the level of protection you buy, and other factors such as your age, and driving record.
Given the importance of auto i urance, it's a good idea to shop carefully when looking for a ropriate coverage.
The policy itself is a contract that ecifies your obligatio , as well as the financial commitment of the i urer. The amount you pay for a set term of coverage is called the premium. Generally the premium of your auto i urance is fixed for the term of the policy barring unforeseen events, such as an accident.
State requirements for auto i urance vary from state to state and from individual to individual. eaking to an i urance profe ional will help you make a decision based on your particular needs.
The premium for auto i urance is directly co ected to 6 levels of coverage. These levels include comprehe ive, collision, uni ured/underi ured motorist, property damage liability, bodily injury liability, and medical payments (also known as personal injury protection).
Comprehe ive protection covers lo es that are not a direct result of an accident. For example, comprehe ive would come in handy if you sustained damage to your car due to a hailstorm.
Some drivers choose not to carry comprehe ive, e ecially if they are driving an older vehicle of little monetary value. Also the deductible (the portion of an expe e you pay out of pocket)may exceed the value of some older cars.
On the other hand, if you purchase a new car, e ecially with a loan, you may need to incorporate comprehe ive in your policy.
Collision coverage a ropriately covers your automobile in the event of a collision. This protection covers damage even if it's determined you're at fault in the accident. The cost of collision coverage will be affected by the deductible. Generally eaking, the higher your deductible the lower the premium for your auto i urance.
Uni ured and underi ured motorist coverage covers you in the event that you are in an accident caused by an uni ured or underi ured driver. This protects you as well as any other designated driver of your car. This coverage can be invaluable if you sustain significant injury. This type of coverage may also cover you if you are a pedestrian and a driver hits you.
Property damage liability covers damages you cause to another vehicle. It also covers damages you might cause to other property. If for example, you take out the neighbor's fence going around a corner, property damage liability coverage will cover this.
Bodily injury liability coverage is particularly important. This hel protect you financially in the event that you cause an accident and cause injury to other people.
Medical payments coverage (personal injury protection) is a type of coverage that protects you and the occupants of your car for medical related expe es.
Auto i urance will help you and those you love if a mishap occurs. Finding the right auto i urance policy will help make your driving experience safer and more pleasurable.
For more information, see Make-Getting-I urance