Monday, December 31, 2007 

A bad credit mortgage refinancing where the owner intents to use the cash from the home's equity to

A bad credit mortgage refinancing where the owner intents to use the cash from the home's equity to pay off bills is called a debt co olidation loan. The value of the home being refinanced must have grown so that the home's a raised worth will justify a larger loan. The new loan amount must be high enough that the owner can cover the loan's closing costs and still have enough left over to pay off the credit card debt.

Refinancing a bad credit mortgage under these circumstances may be a good idea if the following two statements are true.

1. The new loan will carry an interest rate two or more percentage points lower than the current loan.

2. The homeowner pla to stay in the house for three or more years.

It is a common financial scenario acro households in the Western world. Multiple debts have started to build up: a car loan here, a department store loan there; a bank loan here and several credit cards there. While all may have seemed manageable on the optimistic day you took them out, or ent on them, suddenly you realise that you ca ot keep up with the monthly payments. You mi out on a payment or two, and suddenly you have a bad credit record. A few more mi ed payments and you start to feel the pre ure, so start thinking about refinance.

1. First of all, you need to make sure it is really nece ary. You should take a long hard look at your outstanding debts. List them out, total the amounts owed, total the monthly payments, and total the amount in arrears. Your cheapest and simplest way out will be to put your current financial house in order without resorting to new, and po ibly expe ive, borrowing.

More Ti on Mortgage, Mortgage Refinancing, Home Loan, Bad Credit etc. Visit us to .


Car buying can be a scary idea for many people, and thats true whether youre buying a new or a used

Car buying can be a scary idea for many people, and thats true whether youre buying a new or a used car. The problem i t the cars, they cant bite, the problem is the sales men. They do have teeth and can give you what sounds like one hell of a deal!

When you are buying a car you must be realistic and not get carried away, you should also stand your ground. Car sales people are very clever, they will try to sell you what they have in stock, rather than what you really want.

If you go in wanting a 4x4 and come out with a orts car, the only person that will find it amusing is the sales man. Ok so there is a small chance you will never regret buying a orts car, but in the winter you could well wind up wishing that you stood your ground and brought a nice 4x4.

So rule number one, stand your ground! Dont get pushed around by the sales people, because only you know what you want.

Cars can be quite difficult to buy because the technology changes on a pretty much daily basis, ok well maybe not that quickly. Cars now come with air conditioning as standard; a few years ago this was relatively unknown. Cars also now have xenon headlam , which are su osed to offer us a brighter, clearer light.

Because of this, cars are ecialist knowledge and so its really easy for a con man, oh Im sorry sales man to pull the wool over your eyes.

There are good things about this modern car market though, there is a lot of competition, and therefore there are a lot of deals going around at the moment. It should be po ible to negotiate. You should never pay the price on the label, you must always negotiate. Few people like negotiating when buying a new car, but you must!

So rule number 2 when buying a car is to negotiate! You should screw the sales man as hard as po ible. Remember to ask for extras early on, before you sign anything. If you want mats and mud fla thrown in, then ask once youve got the price down. The proce should go like this:

1. Negotiate on price
2. When you think the price is lowest negotiate on extras

Buying a new car can be a very exciting time for most people, however its important to not to get carried away and drive your new car as soon as you get it. It is very important to calm down, take a deep breath, and i ect the car before you drive away.

Its often the case that you are so excited that its so easy to mi things, just tiny little defects may not a ear a arent. However should you drive away with this car it will be much harder to get these faults rectified later on.

You should take the car on a test drive before purchasing it to make sure it handles ok on the road. Cars can be quite temperamental things, and you certainly dont want to be buying trouble.

People rely upon their cars for day to day life, and so if it broke down it could be disastrous. You should buy a reliable car. If youre buying used, theres nothing wrong with that, and in fact its se ible. Just make sure you are buying a good, honest car, that wont end up costing you much more than you paid for it.

Once youve got it home, then you can be excited about it! Just never compare it to your baby, that never goes very well for some reason.


We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly,

We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly, all property that has a money value or exchangeable value, overflowing stock of useful goods having economic value at any one time.
The word wealth originated from the old English word weal, which mea well-being or welfare.

Wealth is basically defined as one having an abundance of goods and resources or the ability to po e any type of goods or resources in abundance with the exchange of money. Another portion of the definition of wealth is po e ing real estate or personal property with an exchangeable value. Wealth can also be defined as a state of well-being or good health.
In modern society, we have an increasing number of avenues to obtain wealth. Society must simply gain the knowledge and skills nece ary to implement the proper strategies and techniques.


One strategy is called (triple compounding), suggested by Steve Sjuggerud. Sjuggerud is the writer of investment letter --True Wealth--. He unfolds, Your account can grow at rapid eeds for three reaso : First, you are adding to your account every month. Second, if you invest in growth mutual funds, your accounts NAV (net a et value) is likely to increase overtime. Third, all dividends and distributio are automatically reinvested.


Saturday, December 29, 2007 

If you have a credit card and pay an a ual fee for the privilege, then perha you are paying too muc

If you have a credit card and pay an a ual fee for the privilege, then perha you are paying too much for your card. Although there are some cards that give you a lot of benefits and so an a ual fee is worthwhile, for most everyday cards there is no need to pay an a ual fee. If you want to know if you should pay an a ual fee or not, then here are some ti about credit card a ual fees.

New card fees

If you are looking for a new card, then there is really no need for you to have to pay an a ual fee. Although some cards offer many benefits, there is usually an alternative card that offers no fee. Most card companies have moved away from charging a ual fees to new customers because they know that it makes their card unattractive. If you are a new customer then steer clear of cards with an a ual fee.

Existing customers

Most people who are paying an a ual fee started out on a credit card that charged no a ual fee. However, credit card companies ca ot offer you the incredible introductory rates forever, and may end up charging you an a ual fee after a while. If this ha e you need to think about whether you want to pay the fee and stick with your card or change card i uer to one that doe 't charge you a fee.

No balance leads to fees

Amazingly, the people who end up paying the a ual fees on cards are often the people who never use their cards. The card company ca ot make money off someone who carries no balance or pays their balance off during the grace period. Therefore, they charge them a fee in order to make some money. If you pay off your balance each month, make sure you don't fall victim to this trap.

Fees for poor credit

Another reason why you might be charged an a ual fee is if you have a poor credit rating. There are some card companies that charge large fees for a credit card if you have poor credit, which can often leave you with virtually no balance left. However, there is no need to pay these fees if you have poor credit. If you shop around then you should be able to find a credit card with no a ual fee at all.

Should I pay?

In general, there is no reason why you should have to pay an a ual fee for a normal credit card. The card company makes money from interest and other fees, so there is no need for an a ual fee. Unle you are getting a higher-level gold or platinum card or a card with many extra features, you shouldn't have to pay an a ual fee at all. However, you should always way up paying an a ual fee agai t the cost of interest. If the interest is very low then paying an a ual fee might not be as expe ive as a high interest card with no a ual fee.


If you have a credit card and pay an a ual fee for the privilege, then perha you are paying too muc

If you have a credit card and pay an a ual fee for the privilege, then perha you are paying too much for your card. Although there are some cards that give you a lot of benefits and so an a ual fee is worthwhile, for most everyday cards there is no need to pay an a ual fee. If you want to know if you should pay an a ual fee or not, then here are some ti about credit card a ual fees.

New card fees

If you are looking for a new card, then there is really no need for you to have to pay an a ual fee. Although some cards offer many benefits, there is usually an alternative card that offers no fee. Most card companies have moved away from charging a ual fees to new customers because they know that it makes their card unattractive. If you are a new customer then steer clear of cards with an a ual fee.

Existing customers

Most people who are paying an a ual fee started out on a credit card that charged no a ual fee. However, credit card companies ca ot offer you the incredible introductory rates forever, and may end up charging you an a ual fee after a while. If this ha e you need to think about whether you want to pay the fee and stick with your card or change card i uer to one that doe 't charge you a fee.

No balance leads to fees

Amazingly, the people who end up paying the a ual fees on cards are often the people who never use their cards. The card company ca ot make money off someone who carries no balance or pays their balance off during the grace period. Therefore, they charge them a fee in order to make some money. If you pay off your balance each month, make sure you don't fall victim to this trap.

Fees for poor credit

Another reason why you might be charged an a ual fee is if you have a poor credit rating. There are some card companies that charge large fees for a credit card if you have poor credit, which can often leave you with virtually no balance left. However, there is no need to pay these fees if you have poor credit. If you shop around then you should be able to find a credit card with no a ual fee at all.

Should I pay?

In general, there is no reason why you should have to pay an a ual fee for a normal credit card. The card company makes money from interest and other fees, so there is no need for an a ual fee. Unle you are getting a higher-level gold or platinum card or a card with many extra features, you shouldn't have to pay an a ual fee at all. However, you should always way up paying an a ual fee agai t the cost of interest. If the interest is very low then paying an a ual fee might not be as expe ive as a high interest card with no a ual fee.


In order to understand fully this concept everyone should clear up the term trust. First, the granto

In order to understand fully this concept everyone should clear up the term trust. First, the grantor is the person who shows the interest in protecting his a ets. The trustee is the other part who is obliged to protect the a ets. The trust is basically the contract between these two parts. A et protection trust refers to a certain tra fer of a ets from the grantor to a ecialize i titution which will eventually protect the a ets obliged by the Trust Contract.

There are two types of a et protection trust. The first one to be explained is the grantor type. What does this mean? It is all about the tax code. In this case the grantor maintai authority on his a ets. This agreement su oses the fact that the contract would be interpreted as a disregarded legal entity. What is a disregarded entity and what does such a title signifies? This title mea that this kind of entity is co idered Income Tax Neutral. Through the a et protection trust, the grantor is obliged to pay his taxes for the a ets which he got protected.

An a et protection trust may be of two types: revocable and irrevocable. The first one is nothing more but a formal contract which does not function as it is su osed to. The grantor maintai strong co ectio to his a ets, so strong that they are not really protected. This kind of contract proves useful only at the moment the grantor gets involved in a lawsuit or in an avoidance of estate taxes procedure.

Basically the a et protection trust hel someone who is in one of the several situatio : taxation, divorce or bankruptcy. So it is pretty easy to notice that is highly po ible that the governments and the courts would limit these contracts. But they are not impo ible to be concluded. An irrevocable trust is only one accepted in the case of mandatory end-down provisio for qualifying into a nursing home.

So the a et protection system is a wide area of financial changes. And anyone can get a part of it. Being informed by a cou elor or not each person can conclude an a et protection trust. It is just a simple contract. It would not harm anybody. And in the situatio mentioned above it would prove of real help. The only thing that a grantor is su osed to do is the fact that he has to pay attention on the type of a et protection trust he decides upon, because there are certain kinds which would prove of no help. They are simple pieces of paper and nothing more. Everyone should inform properly in order to avoid such situatio . That is why each person should see from time to time a law cou elor who could help in understanding all law procedures. The law system could prove extremely tricky if not treated with effective care. An a et protection trust properly formulated will help a lot the grantor. He would be able to surpa through a violent lawsuit without important lo es. So it is important for him to try to a ure of the validity of this act.

An a et protection trust would make easier someones financial evolution because it offers the nece ary warranty in order to protect the a ets. There are several questio concerning this topic and a law cou elor should be able to explain his client all ambiguities. There are ecial firms which can serve their clients in this way and they offer trusty services. So, in ite of the fact that an a et protection trust could prove superficial, there are certain ways of getting a ured of its validity. The client only has to be well informed and really interested.


In order to understand fully this concept everyone should clear up the term trust. First, the granto

In order to understand fully this concept everyone should clear up the term trust. First, the grantor is the person who shows the interest in protecting his a ets. The trustee is the other part who is obliged to protect the a ets. The trust is basically the contract between these two parts. A et protection trust refers to a certain tra fer of a ets from the grantor to a ecialize i titution which will eventually protect the a ets obliged by the Trust Contract.

There are two types of a et protection trust. The first one to be explained is the grantor type. What does this mean? It is all about the tax code. In this case the grantor maintai authority on his a ets. This agreement su oses the fact that the contract would be interpreted as a disregarded legal entity. What is a disregarded entity and what does such a title signifies? This title mea that this kind of entity is co idered Income Tax Neutral. Through the a et protection trust, the grantor is obliged to pay his taxes for the a ets which he got protected.

An a et protection trust may be of two types: revocable and irrevocable. The first one is nothing more but a formal contract which does not function as it is su osed to. The grantor maintai strong co ectio to his a ets, so strong that they are not really protected. This kind of contract proves useful only at the moment the grantor gets involved in a lawsuit or in an avoidance of estate taxes procedure.

Basically the a et protection trust hel someone who is in one of the several situatio : taxation, divorce or bankruptcy. So it is pretty easy to notice that is highly po ible that the governments and the courts would limit these contracts. But they are not impo ible to be concluded. An irrevocable trust is only one accepted in the case of mandatory end-down provisio for qualifying into a nursing home.

So the a et protection system is a wide area of financial changes. And anyone can get a part of it. Being informed by a cou elor or not each person can conclude an a et protection trust. It is just a simple contract. It would not harm anybody. And in the situatio mentioned above it would prove of real help. The only thing that a grantor is su osed to do is the fact that he has to pay attention on the type of a et protection trust he decides upon, because there are certain kinds which would prove of no help. They are simple pieces of paper and nothing more. Everyone should inform properly in order to avoid such situatio . That is why each person should see from time to time a law cou elor who could help in understanding all law procedures. The law system could prove extremely tricky if not treated with effective care. An a et protection trust properly formulated will help a lot the grantor. He would be able to surpa through a violent lawsuit without important lo es. So it is important for him to try to a ure of the validity of this act.

An a et protection trust would make easier someones financial evolution because it offers the nece ary warranty in order to protect the a ets. There are several questio concerning this topic and a law cou elor should be able to explain his client all ambiguities. There are ecial firms which can serve their clients in this way and they offer trusty services. So, in ite of the fact that an a et protection trust could prove superficial, there are certain ways of getting a ured of its validity. The client only has to be well informed and really interested.


The first recorded a earance of Chamonix can be found in 1091 when the Chamonix Valley was donated t

The first recorded a earance of Chamonix can be found in 1091 when the Chamonix Valley was donated to the A ey Saint Michel (in Italy) by the Count of Genevois. At that time the valley's sole occupants were sheep farmers and their flock.
What could be cla ified as the first era of tourism for the 'Vallee de Chamouny' began in 1741 with two English explorers Windham and Pocock who 'discovered' Montenvers. Their enthusiastic retelling of their exploits initiated the first trickle of visitors to the valley. In 1760 this led a Swi doctor, de Sau ure, to offer a prize to the first person to reach the summit of Mont Blanc. However, it was to be another 26 years before Dr Paccard and Jaques Balmat, two Chamonix locals, set foot on the summit for the very first time.

In 1770 the very first hotel for tourists was opened, L'Hotel d'Angleterre - at this point English visitors outnumbered other nationalities. Since then the Chamonix valley has hosted mountaineers, skiers, painters, tourists and writers - such as Byron and Shelley.

In 1860, in recognition of the fact that the French had helped the Italia agai t the Austria , the people of the Haute Savoie and Savoie voted to rejoin France. This in turn led to acce routes to the valley being opened up with the co truction of a new and improved road from Geneva to Chamonix in readine for Napoleon III?s visit in September 1860.

With the opening up of the valley came a new era of exploration and mountaineering. Between 1863 and 1865 more than 100 peaks were summited, many by the English. In 1890, Joseph Vallot built an o ervatory for high mountain studies near the summit of Mont Blanc. A second o ervatory was completed in 1893 on the summit, but soon succumbed to an ice fall.

With the dawn of the 20th Century came a new flood of tourists. For the first time mountain guides were surpa ed by hoteliers as the largest economic power in the valley. The co truction and development continued unabated with Chamonix hosting the first ever Winter Olympics in 1924.

Cash Advance and Payday Loa are short-term loa priced at a fixed dollar fee, which cost in so short term to maturity is tra lated into the higher a ual percentage rate (APR) among all other type of loa .

Getting cash from an ATM after receiving a Cash Advance also has an interest charge that is a lied immediately, since there is no grace period. Some credit card i uers require that you withdraw money from a bank's ATM, in which case both the credit card i uer and the bank will charge an additional tra action fee, whether a small percentage of the cash advance, or a flat dollar fee.

Reading and understanding the terms of Cash Advance loa is your best protection to avoid overwhelming debt on your credit cards so leave this type of loan as your last resource for a moment of a real cash nece ity.


John 20:1-18 He is Risen Indeed! Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to

John 20:1-18
He is Risen Indeed!
Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him." So Peter went out with the other disciple, and they were going toward the tomb.

Both of them were ru ing together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. And stooping to look in, he saw the linen cloths lying there, but he did not go in. Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb. He saw the linen cloths lying there, and the face cloth, which had been on Jesus' head, not lying with the linen cloths but folded up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed; for as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that he must rise from the dead. Then the disciples went back to their homes.

It is Easter Day, and here we gather, along with so many other people around the globe, to celebrate that fundamental event which gives birth to the Christian faith - namely, the resurrection of Jesus.

Ive been celebrating the resurrection of Jesus like this every year at this time for as long as I can remember, so I gue I sort of take for granted that it is an a ropriate thing to do this time of year. Im co cious though that it might not be immediately obvious to everybody in our world why we so pa ionately celebrate the fact that this man, Jesus, didnt die (or at least didnt stay dead).

So what? Some people may say. So what indeed!

I heard that in Japan some confectionary maker tried to capitalise on the Easter season by bringing out chocolate crucifixes, complete with a chocolate Jesus that you could bite into. I dont know whether he went the whole hog and put cherry ripe on the i ide, but either way he clearly mi ed the point.

But what is the point? I dont think its immediately obvious to the outsider, and certainly the earliest accounts that we have of the resurrection event dont help us to make a lot of se e of it.

If we take the account I read this morning from Joh Go el, it doe t tell us a lot about the resurrection. It doe t tell us how it ha ened. It certainly doe t even tell us why it ha ened! It just tells us what two of the disciples did - how they ran all the way from their homes to the tomb, how they went in to the grave area and found the clothes lying about in neat piles, and how they then went home, leaving Mary there by herself for some strange reason!

This early resurrection account has often bothered me. Why doe t it tell us more? Why is it so focused on trivial details about who out-ran who and where the various bits of cloth were found to be lying. And then it occurred to me this year, as I read through it once again. It occurred to me why this resurrection narrative is so u ectacular and filled with odd details. Its because what we are reading here was originally a performance!

If you read the end of Joh Go el, you get quite a clear picture of how they put this book together. It wa t written by John (the beloved disciple) himself, but by his disciples - a small, loyal group of su orters that formed around him, and worshi ed and ministered with him through his later years.

John, we believe, was the only one of the twelve disciples that did not meet a brutal and untimely death. John indeed a arently lived to a great age, and in his declining years, when he was riddled with arthritis, it was said that they used to carry him around to meetings and sit him on the floor, where he used to say no more than, love one another, love one another.

And it wa t until after John died that his disciples put together a collection of all the stories that hed told them over the years, and no doubt one of the most often-told stories in the bunch must have been his experience on that Easter morning.

Tell us again exactly how it ha ened, Father John, you can see the little ones in that early Christian community prompting him.

Well, says John, it all started when we heard a banging on the door, and found Mary standing there, breathle , and telling Peter and myself that the Lords body had disa eared!

So Peter and I didnt even finish our breakfast. We started ru ing towards the tomb. If wed thought harder about it first, we might have gone and got ourselves some tra ort, but we didnt think too hard about it. We just started ru ing. And I was a better ru er than Peter in those days, and I out-ran him. And I got to the tomb first, but I didnt go in.

Why didnt you go in, Father?

Well, to tell you the truth I was a little scared. From the outside of the tomb I could see that there was no body in there, but I couldnt tell if there might not have been some thugs hiding in the shadows. But then Peter caught up and, typical of him, he just rushed straight in.

And then I went in. I stooped down, as the entrance-way was quite low, and sure enough there was no one in there, apart from Peter and myself. And there were the graveclothes, and the cloth that had been on Jesus head, it wa t with the other graveclothes. It was folded up and sitting over there by itself. And I knew at that point that something wonderful had ha ened!

Im gue ing that John performed that story maybe thousand times. Im gue ing that the reason the account in Joh Go el contai so many odd details is because it reflects exactly the story as John used to tell it - complete with the details about how he was a better ru er than Peter.

Im gue ing that these details about the ru ing and about the graveclothes were so clearly remembered by the authors because theyd heard them so many times. And Im gue ing that John remembered these details so clearly because this event turned out to be the most defining moment of his life!

I t it fu y how we remember the details of defining moments?

If you know me at all, you know that my memory is shocking. I have trouble remembering what I was doing yesterday, but I can remember with a olute clarity the moment when I first ki ed Ange. I can remember all sorts of odd details about the moment when Veronica first called me dad. And I could recount to you the time, the place, and all sorts of trivial facts about the night when I first met Christ in a real way, at the age of 18.

Defining moments stay emblazoned on our minds, and the events of that first Easter morning were a defining moment for John. He remembered every banal detail, and he pa ed the story on, complete with the details.

And those who heard the story remembered the story and many of the details. For this story, which came to define the life of John, likewise came to be a defining story for them too!

Why is this story of the resurrection so significant, not only for John but for so many of us? Because, to put it most simply, it confirms to us, in a way in which no other event in history confirms to us, that miracles do ha en, and that there is always reason to hope!

I had the privilege of listening to Jim Wallis during the week - a great American preacher and peace activist. And he said, the choice today is not between left and right or between a religious and secular state, but between cynicism and hope!

Cynicism is almost a national ort in this country! We expect our politicia to be dishonest. We know that the banks and major corporatio are out there to screw us. Maybe we a ume too that our partners are going to cheat on us sooner or later because well, thats just the way men are!

And so its natural for us to stand back and say, well, what am I su osed to do about it? and so excuse ourselves from doing anything. We say, nothing I do or say is ever going to make a difference anyway, and so give ourselves a reason not to make a difference.

We say, Why should I waste my resources, pouring my time and energy into people who are not going to change, into programs that are never going to change anything for the long-term, because they confront the power-brokers who control this world. Who am I to think that I could make a difference?

But if the resurrection of Jesus took place, then miracles really do ha en.

If the resurrection of Jesus really ha ened then even the seeming certainties of life and death turn out to be not so certain!

If the resurrection of Jesus took place, theres really no place for cynicism! For if things like this really ha en in our world, then anything is po ible, and cynicism must give way to hope!

Weve got some real challenges facing us here as a church at the moment. Most of them are funding challenges of course, and it would be easy to feel cynical about that, because we are always struggling with funding.

Weve got enough money to keep our youth centre going now for not much more than another month. How do I feel about that? Frankly, full of hope!

And now The Sly Fox has come forward and offered to hold a fundraiser for us - scheduled just before the money ru out. Its one of our major gay pu , and probably not one that I would have taken the initiative to a roach.

And it would be easy to be cynical about all of that of course, saying, Oh Dave, do you really expect to bring the irit of God into that place? But the truth is that the irit of God got in ahead of us there a long time ago! The irit of God has been working with these people for ages. Some of us might have kept them at an arms length, but the irit of God ha t! And so I a roach that forthcoming event full of anticipation and hope!

Another of our Lords most recent initiatives has been to bring to us this small band of athletes from Sierra Leone, looking for asylum. And again, it would be easy to by cynical about that, e ecially if youve had any serious dealings with the Immigration Department! And yet, if the irit of Him who raised our Lord Jesus from the dead is at work in us what do we have to fear?

And Im very co cious of the fact that so many of us here bring with us so much baggage from the past. So many of us here have stories of pain that have shaped who we are and that continue plague us day to day. But I can tell you that if Jesus was truly raised from the dead, the future looks good!

This is our story - the Easter story. It is a story that we tell over and over again as it has been pa ed on to us by those who likewise retold it over and over again in generatio past, because it is a story of hope for our world.

If Jesus has been raised from the dead, then anything and everything is po ible, and some things are certain: Evil will not triumph in this world, Death will not have the final say, and His Kingdom will come!

Live in hope, sisters and brothers. Expect the unexpected. Dont fall victim to the grip of cynicism, but know that the irit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us to will and to work His good purpose!

For Christ is risen. He is risen indeed! Miracles do ha en! Live in hope!


As times may get tougher, but bills and family pla can't be put on hold. That's why it may be all t

As times may get tougher, but bills and family pla can't be put on hold. That's why it may be all the more tempting to tap into what likely is your biggest a et: the house.

After all, you can get your hands on a big chunk of money to finance just about anything you need - home repair or renovation, tuition payments, a get-out-of-credit-card-debt-free card.

In the midst of 10 interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve this year, the cost of borrowing money agai t the equity in your home has gotten comparatively cheaper. And, unlike other forms of co umer debt, the interest you pay may be tax-deductible.

But even with low rates and potential tax deductio , you should know the full implicatio of the debt scheme. Determining whether a home equity loan (HEL) or home equity line of credit (HELOC) makes se e for you depends on several factors. And before deciding, be clear on how the two i truments differ from each other.

Home-equity loa are e entially a second mortgage loa . You get a large chunk of money and pay it back in fixed monthly i talments (EMIs) over a fixed period of time, typically 10 -15 years. The most common HEL has a fixed interest rate that, like a mortgage, you lock in when you secure the loan.

A home equity line of credit, by contrast, functio more like a credit card. You're given a preset credit limit and you pay back only what you use plus the interest. When you secure a HELOC, you typically receive a cheque book or credit card which you may use up to your credit limit.

Whenever you use some of the credit, you owe a monthly minimum payment on your outstanding balance, but beyond that it is left to the individual to decide how much one can pay back and when.

The interest rate on a HELOC is fixed to the prime rate - the rate at which banks lend to their most creditworthy clients.

Home-equity loan is best used for a one-time goal for which payment will be due in full and which has long-lasting benefits. For example, a loan makes se e if you want to finance a ecific home improvement project that boosts the equity of your house, as a housing loan or if you want to pay off high-interest credit card debt in one stroke.

So, if you're taking on a multi-year home improvement project for which you'll have to submit post-dated cheques at varying times during that period, a HELOC might be best option. (But carefully read the terms of your agreement. Some lenders may require you to use a certain amount of the home loan by a given time-period or the loan calculator may vary under various schemes).

Friday, December 28, 2007 

Leasing can be very confusing and there is a bit of a paradox here. If you do it right leasing can s

Leasing can be very confusing and there is a bit of a paradox here. If you do it right leasing can save you a ton of money and allow you to drive a much nicer vehicle than you could otherwise afford, but done wrong it can cost you thousands!

The principle behind leasing is simple; you are simply renting the car just as if from Enterprise or Alamo but for a longer period of time. You never own the vehicle unle you take out the option to buy it at the end. You do usually get to add things to it if you wish like custom wheels.

The tra action is very similar between a lease and a purchase with one important difference. When you purchase a vehicle you pay for the entire cost with your payments and down payment so for example if you bought a car for $20,000 and finance the car for 36 months you will pay the $20,000 plus interest and end up paying as much as $25,000 total.

If we look at a lease on the same car the tra action may be the same except that $10,000 is subtracted in advance from the amount the leasing company would charge every month. In this example you would pay payments based on 25,000 minus $10,000 and at the end the leasing company ow the car.

In theory if you can lease a vehicle for a monthly payment based on the same profit margin that you would pay if you purchased the vehicle it would be a great deal for many people. The problem is that it usually doe t work that way because dealers use the ability to hide things in the contract to rip people off. I have seen profits as high as $11,000 on one deal! You have to be careful.

Are you a candidate for leasing? If we listen to the automotive industry everyone should be leasing but this is simply not the case. Are you the type of person that always has a car payment and trades every three years? If so, a lease may be good for you. If your goal is to pay for a vehicle and then own it debt free then a lease is not what you want.

You must be sure that you are financially stable and know that your income will be able to pay the lease. Leases are very expe ive to break or terminate early. Dont lease if you are tight financially or have any concer about job security.


Clean nails that have been polished and taken care of can certainly add to the beauty of your shapel

Clean nails that have been polished and taken care of can certainly add to the beauty of your shapely hands and add to your overall personality. Nail polishes help you in enhancing the beauty of your nails and hands. This is a fact that women have been aware of for centuries.

Choosing the right nail polish can go a long way in e uring that your nails get the best beauty enhancement. The very first step in choosing the right nail polish is to take basic care of your nails. So first of all lets look at a few ti that will help you take ecial care of your nails.

Nail care
Taking good care of your nails involves getting proper nourishment; avoiding exce ive contact with damaging material and taking due care while working. Household chores can be damaging to your nails because many of the solvents and cleaners that are used are not meant for your skin or nails. It is a good practice to wear gloves while you are doing household chores, particularly when you are handling su ect material.

Choosing the color
Cherry red, pink, coral these are some of the colors in which you get your nail polish. You can even get them in green or yellow, and look good in them if you know how to use them. How do you choose the color of your nail polish? You should choose a shade such that it will enhance your beauty. That would depend on your complexion. Fair complexion will go well with almost any color, darker colors being more effective in striking a contrast. If you are dark ski ed, lighter shades should suit you better. Shades such as red and rich brown would also suit darker ski .

You can also choose between glo y or matte shades. The polish that you choose should match your general a earance, your clothes and jewelry and other makeup. To make you task easier, some companies offer makeup kits that contain matching items covering all the makeup items that you will need.

For formal or semi formal occasio and first meetings, light colors and basic neutrals are best. If your toenails are exposed, you can choose matching nail polish for your toes and fingernails.

Ultimately, though, choosing the color of your nail polish is a very personal decision that you have to make, depending on what your personal preferences are and what kind of a personality you project.

Other co ideratio
Quick drying nail polishes are available that will dry quickly, but they may also tend to chip off easily. Strong and longer lasting nail polishes are also available. Depending on your need and environment you can choose one of these. Strong chip resistant nail polish should be preferable for daily wear, as you will not need to touch these up frequently. You can also get strong chip resistant and quick drying nail polishes.

While choosing your nail polish you should also co ider your general health and allergies. If you have se itive skin, you should choose hypoallergenic and u cented nail polishes.

A lying nail polish
There are some basic facts that you can keep in mind while a lying nail polish. First of all, remove all traces of the existing polish from your nails. A ly a base coat first. After this, a ly two coats of the nail enamel. A ly the polish in a few large strokes rather than several small strokes.


Imhotep was a wizard, and the first architect and physician known by name to written history. As one

Imhotep was a wizard, and the first architect and physician known by name to written history. As one of the officials of the Pharaoh Djosr he designed the Pyramid of Djzosr (Step Pyramid) at Saqqara in Egypt around 2630-2611 BC, during the 3rd Dynasty. He may also have been re o ible for the first known use of colum in architecture. His name mea the one who comes in peace.

Imhotep also served as chancellor to the pharaoh and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis. He was said to be a son of Ptah, his mother being a mortal named Khredu-ankh. He was revered as a genius and showered with titles. The full list of titles is: Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, First after the King of U er Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary nobleman, High Priest of Heliopolis, Builder, Sculptor and Maker of Vases in Chief. Imhotep is credited as the founder of Egyptian medicine, and as author of the Edwin Smith papyrus, detailing cures, ailments and anatomical o ervatio . The Edwin Smith Papyrus was probably written around 1700 BC but may perha go back to texts written around 1000 years earlier.

Two thousand years after his death, his status was raised to that of a god. Imhotep became the god of medicine and healing. He was linked to Asclepius by the Greeks. As the son of Ptah, his mother was sometimes said to be Sekhmet, who was often said to be married to Ptah, since she was the patron of U er Egypt. As he was thought of as the inventor of healing, he was also sometimes said to be the one who held Nut (deification of the sky) up, as the separation of Nuit and Geb (deification of the earth) was said to be what held chaos back. Due to the position this would have placed him in, he was also sometimes said to be Nuit's son. In artwork he is also linked with Hathor, who was the wife of Ra, Maat, which was the concept of truth and justice, and Amenhotep son of Hapu, who was another deified architect.

The location for Imhotep's tomb is still unknown. Many Egyptologists have tried locating it but so far haven't succeeded. The general co e us is that his tomb is located at Saqqara.

Fringe theories
One fringe theory is that Imhotep has strong similarities to the biblical Joseph. Some have suggested the biblical Joseph is a composite created by the authors of the Torah from a Hebrew individual and Imhotep, the authors confusing Imhotep for Joseph. However, the striking similarities of the two are a case for a closer look. If Imhotep mea "come in peace" and the Bible records Joseph doing just that there may be an a ociation with the egyptian name choice of Joseph.

Modern cultural impact
Imhotep is also the name of a fictional character played by Boris Karloff in the 1932 movie The Mummy, and of a similar character played by Arnold Vosloo in the 1999 movie The Mummy and its 2001 sequel The Mummy Retur . The architect Imhotep most likely provided the name (but just the name) for the character.

'Imhotep' is also the name of the mortuary priest in Agatha Christie's novel Death Comes as the End.

'Imhotep' is also the name of wide receiver Imhotep Durham for the Virginia Cavaliers football team for the year of 2004.

'Imhotep' is also the name of a well-known French ra er from the group Iam.

'Imhotep' was used as a continuing in-joke in the 2003 and 2005 C series Look Around You, portrayed as an Easter Island monolith.

The name Imhotep was used by a minor Goa'uld in the Stargate SG-1 episode 'The Warrior'. oiler: Imhotep pretended to be a Jaffa, and led an army of Jaffa in order to kill other Goa'uld and gain power. He was killed by SG-1.


Selling a house is a very complex procedure that takes lots of preparation, research, patience in or

Selling a house is a very complex procedure that takes lots of preparation, research, patience in order to do it the right way. The first thing every home owner who wants to sell a house is to see it no longer as a home but as a product which needs to be marketed in order to get a fair price from property buyers which are on the look for a good house if po ible at the lowest price available.

The next thing to do is co ider having a profe ional whole sale i ection so that all major flaws will be uncovered before they can cause troubles to potential clients. Also, by doing this it will prove that you are a re o ible seller which will greatly improve the overall per ective of the house. After doing this it is advisable to literally prepare the house for the upcoming sale. In other words, what you need to do is stand back and look at the house objectively and think if you would buy such a house. Asking friends, relatives, neighbors what they think of the house is a wise thing to do as you will get an objective opinion about the house. All this because overlooking flaws can cost you money and nobody wants to lose money for no reason. Detecting flaws and repairing them will improve the value of the house.

Make sure your house is fresher, cleaner, better maintained so that it will stand out from the competition which will convince property buyers that if they purchase your home they will make a wise decision. After you have done this try removing all the imprints that you have made to the house. You should still keep a few photos of your family but dont exaggerate because if your house is full of personal pictures, property buyers cant envision themselves in the house so there are slim chances that they will buy it.

A wise choice when selling a house is to benefit from the services of a quick house sale company which are becoming more and more popular due to the fact that real estate agents arent a reliable solution anymore because their fees are enormous. Among major advantages provided by this kind of companies are: no valuation fees, no estate agents fees, there is no waiting, no mounting debts and also no uncertainty.

Another reason why people should use this method relies on the fact that we live in a uncertain property market with unrealistic estate agents valuatio so if stability is what sellers are looking for, this is the thing to do as this companies offers what everybody is looking for : ha le-free tra actio . These companies can buy your property for cash in a week which is almost incredible, also after they buy it you have the po ibility to rent it if you dont have where to stay after the selling. Also, unlike estate agents, their evaluatio are real so they wont betray and deceive you.

Although these companies offer le money ( between 15%-20% ) for your home in comparison with a real estate agent, this still remai a great solution as it is way more faster and reliable because you get your money right away, in cash, so there are no complicatio during the tra action.

With ever increasing needs for full services when it comes down to selling a house, U.K.s quick house sale companies offer the best alternative ( with no estate agents fees ), for making the entire selling proce if not enjoyable at least, satisfactory.


Criminals are becoming more ingenious in how they make off with your identity. Courage is not a must

Criminals are becoming more ingenious in how they make off with your identity. Courage is not a must any more, nor is gu and knives or any physical hurt. Now days it could be your neighbor or a person you pa in the mall. We can on no account be too careful with our identity.

Whatever system the crooks use, mail theft, account invasion, dum ter diving, the end result is the same: An i ocent person like you is ri ed off.

Think about this for a second; what is a very low-tech system use by thieves to undertake identity theft? It is basically stealing mail from u ecured mailboxes. Thieves have been stealing mail out of u ecured mail boxes for many year but it has only been in the current time that thieves have come to realize the income to be acquired from the financial information they can get. How safe is your mail box?

Mail theft ha e most of the time, according to the information, at places where u rotected and easy to get to mailboxes are these are mailboxes that do not have a lock and in normal places. Does your mailbox fall into this type?

Thieves can and do, using outgoing stolen mail, obtain sufficient important information to open a new account with the victims (your) name. Crooks can take pre-a roved credit card a lication, change the addre to a new addre , and then send it in. Criminals can steal a credit card statement, lift the account number, and buy goods or services. A thief can watch your incoming mail for a new credit card or ATM card, steal it, and charge thousands of dollars to it in one afternoon.

What about the red flag on your mailbox? One mail carrier said, The postal service call those red flags the steal me flags. Start taking your out-going mail to the post office or drop US mail boxes on your way to or from work. Thieves can and will do much damage with what they remove from your mailbox.

Thursday, December 27, 2007 

Before you decide to do anything, make sure you feel confident that you have all the information abo

Before you decide to do anything, make sure you feel confident that you have all the information about sex and relatio hi . It can be embarra ing to ask parents, carers or friends, so there are confidential ways of getting the information you want.

Remember that you never have to do anything you don't want to, and that your friends probably don't know and haven't done as much as they say.
BUT this is one site that could give you more advice and show you what real sex is like ...don`t be shy....go for it!!!
This article was published using Article Submitter


Refinancing is a common practice adopted mostly for home loan facilities. Refinancing is nothing but

Refinancing is a common practice adopted mostly for home loan facilities. Refinancing is nothing but to pay off the old debt and taking a new one. The major reason for refinancing is to reduce interest rate. Reduced interest rate is nothing but le to pay every month and thus increase in the monthly income at hand. Refinancing ha e all over, the only point to be taken into co ideration is the right time to take refinancing optio .

There are many reaso for refinance, the major ones according to Fa iemae being a. To reduce the interest rate. b. To build equity faster c. Change the loan type to one that is more feasible and more attractive. e. Improved credit rating. F. To draw equity on home that is already built. The major reaso are only two and that is to reduce interest and to increase the equity. The interest rate again depends on the discount point, which you can produce at the time of refinancing. For example if the interest rate is 7% then with a discount point the interest rate reduced to 6.75%. . With the array of different types of lenders and brokers, the borrower is at an advantage to choose his lender according to the interest and various schemed offered to him.

The various eligibility for a lying for refinance depends on various factors like, how much is the existing mortgaging amount. For how long is the refinancing facility. How many years is the mortgage left? What would be interest amount saved etc., While a lying for refinancing facility the lender always checks various details of the borrower like e.g., the source of income for the borrower, his credit rating, if a mortgage exist then what is the amount of mortgage, the term of the mortgage.

Therefore the advantage of refinancing depends on the reduction of the interest or the le er money he has to pay towards mortgage, the costs involved towards refinancing and how much the borrower is able to save money over the life of the loan. Costs plays an important part and the borrower has to see to it that the costs involved is not more that the mortgage left to pay. Thus refinancing is an boon to the borrowers particularly in the US where the array of lenders and brokers can give a borrower a good deal.


When I was a little younger and studying in college I needed to take out a loan to buy a car. I a li

When I was a little younger and studying in college I needed to take out a loan to buy a car. I a lied for a loan with a large, reputable lender and was turned down almost immediately. Id mi ed some payments on a credit card a couple of years earlier, and a arently I had a poor credit history. I wanted to know exactly how bad my credit was, so I logged onto the Internet to find out. I was surprised to learn that finding out my credit score wa t nearly as difficult as I had expected.

I discovered that there are places on the Internet where you can find your credit score quickly. I also discovered that my credit score wa t just made up of a single number it was actually three different credit scores, each compiled by one of the three credit bureaus: Experian, Tra Union and Equifax. However, I can find all three of these credit scores on the Internet, and use them to a e my own credit. Furthermore, I found a few places where I could get a credit report cheap!

To find my credit score I typed the term FICO into a search engine. FICO is the name of the most widely known scoring system in the US (but not the only one). That search led me to sites such as and Using these sites you can buy a copy of your credit report for as little as around $15.

All I had to do to get hold of my cheap credit score report was to enter a few details such as my name, addre and social security number, and then make my payment. Once Id done that I had i tant acce to my credit score. However, if youd prefer to get a free credit report you can also sign up for a free trial. That way you can get acce to your credit score without having to go through the ha le of using your credit card.

Now I can get acce to my report whenever I want, so I can keep an eye on my credit score and be informed as soon as it gets better so I can start looking for low interest rate loa and credit cards.


To market your property, you are going to need to have some choice photographs. Before whi ing out t

To market your property, you are going to need to have some choice photographs. Before whi ing out the camera, however, you need to give some thought to the proce .

Why Photographs for Your Listing Are Important

One of the most important things that will set your property out from others is photographs. When a buyer is looking in MLS, on the internet or in some other location, photographs draw their attention. Is this shallow? Well, yes and no.

Unle you are talking to a lawyer or ychiatrist, words are cheap. Indeed, the real estate world has its own lexicon of terms that dont really mean what they say and are the basis for some ide remarks. For i tance, a cozy home is a real estate methodology for saying a property is SMALL! The question, of course, is how small are we talking? This is why photographs are key to your marketing efforts.

In the view of most buyers, the initial proof in the pudding is in photographs. Almost nobody really believes any of the adjectives used in real estate advertisements. Frankly, they words could mean anything. Much like a dating site, however, photographs tend to shed a more objective light on the subject. Unlike a dating site, a property doe t tend to dramatically age over five years, change hair color, go bald or gain some unwanted pounds. Put in practical terms, buyers dont believe your words, but do believe your photographs.

If you give some thought to what I just said, you will realize that I am suggesting that most buyers a ume you will lie about your property in advertisements. Dont take it personally. They dont know you, so why should they trust you? Frankly, they should not. That being said, you can use this distrust to your advantage.

You would be shocked how many people put little or no effort into the photographs of their property. As an old commercial slogan stated Image is everything. A shallow statement, but true. Your photographs represent the first curb a eal impre ion buyers will get of your property.

This mea you need to strongly co ider hiring a profe ional photographer to take the photographs. They understand lighting, angles and so on. It may sound like an u ece ary expe e, but it can be the difference between a sale and sitting on the market for month after month.


A mortgage trigger is simply a credit bureau derived lead based on the actual credit behavior

A mortgage trigger is simply a credit bureau
derived lead based on the actual credit behavior
of your pro ect.

When we begin work with new clients we ask them a
lot of questio : all geared to create a "Watch
List." This watch list or target universe profile
is the EXACT set of demographic attributes you
have given us to create a profile for the credit
bureau to monitor.

For example, your criteria for the trigger leads
might be:

550-680 FICO's
$150k existing mortgage amounts
LTV's of 90% and lower
States of CA, FL, CT, MA, NY, OR, WA

In this example the group the bureau is
monitoring is millio of confirmed homeowners
that EXACTLY match ALL your criteria.

We i ut this information directly to the bureau
and they identify everyone in their database that
fits ALL of your criteria.

When mortgage credit is pulled from homeowners
meeting your criteria, it "triggers" or flags in
their system to send us the pro ects information
on your behalf.

Simply - mortgage credit was pulled yesterday...
we deliver the lead to you today!

Jack Joh on


If you are two or three months behind in paying your mortgage, you may be at risk of losing your hom

If you are two or three months behind in paying your mortgage, you may be at risk of losing your home. This is because in most states, lenders can legally repo e your property and resell it for cash after three months of non-payment on a home loan. The legal proce to repo e your property is extremely stre ful. You may get hara ing calls from creditors, you may find yourself evicted from your home, you may find your credit score ruined, and you may find yourself without the home you have been faithfully paying off for months or even years. Foreclosure can actually leave you without a place to stay, without credit to buy a new property, and with enormous debts on top of that. In fact, if the lender ca ot get adequate money from your property by reselling it, you may still owe the lender money even after losing your home!

For all these reaso , if you are facing financial difficulty, you need foreclosure help right away in order to avoid this tragedy from ever ha ening to you. There are lots of resources for foreclosure help. There are credit cou elling companies that promise to help you, investors who offer to buy your home, and other resources that promise to give you all the a wers you need to magically save your home.

If you simply do not have the money to pay your debts, however, you do not have to pay thousands of dollars for profe ional help. You can simply move faster than the lender and sell your home for cash. In most states, there is a law that protects the homeowner. This law states that if you can pay off the remainder of your mortgage up until the time the home is legally repo e ed, the debt is forgiven and you can keep your home. Therefore, being able to sell your home quickly and for fair price can help you avoid the costs a ociated with owning a home and can give you the money you need to move into a new place. It can also give you the money you need to pay off your current editors so that you do not have to worry about collection calls or bad credit.

The main problem is that it can take months to sell a home, e ecially if you have not had the money to keep up with repairs on your property. Thousands of smart homeowners have already gotten foreclosure help through Thanks to, they were able to sell their homes quickly and for a fair offer. If you are facing financial problems, why not visit today? Simply fill out a free online a lication and you will find out how much cash you can get from your home right away. There's no obligation, so you can always walk away and seek other foreclosure help if you choose to do so. With no risk, but the po ibility of real financial help, you simply have nothing to lose.


Foreclosure is a legal proceeding by which the county enforces payment of real property taxes. The c

Foreclosure is a legal proceeding by which the county enforces payment of real property taxes. The county acquires legal title to a property if the taxes arent paid by a certain date. Generally real property is normally subject to foreclosure three years after the taxes become delinquent. List of all the properties on which the taxes are not been paid subjected to foreclosure and is mostly prepared in July of each years for accounts with property taxes of three years delinquent. If a certain property is subject to foreclosure then lien holders may ask for the notification.
One month after the list is a ounced, the district attorney subject that list to judgment and decree to the court. The notification of the foreclosure is sent to different people and even circulated in different parts of the country. When all this thing has done, a proper date of auction is a ounced which includes all the person and court official in it. How ever your property can be removed from the foreclosure list if you pay the re ective taxes with interest before the publishing date. And even after the list is published you can eliminate your property name from that list by paying all the taxes, interest as well as a plenty of 5 percent of the total tax and interest owed on that property.

Beside all this there is lot more things a ociated with the foreclosure field; one of the most momentous is the foreclosure busine . Because of its enchant output profit it got a huge attraction, any one who is new to real estate investment and is co idering to buy a foreclosure property must have to be realistic enough regarding the thing which he is going to do. Foreclosure investment is not an ideal term for those who just begin it, they should fist have to get at least a couple of years experience with more traditional real estate investment before making their way to foreclosure.
Many peoples invest their a ets in the hope that they will be getting huge profit through it but there lies some awful fact which must be known in order to avoid any complication, one disaster foreclosure investment can wipe out your whole capital and your enthusiasm for all the real estate investment.
Thus it very very e ential to acquire enough experience and knowledge to strengthen your foundation in foreclosure busine you simply just start with the simpler buying a roaches and get acquaintance with the properties, laws, ordinances, deeds, and loa before dealing with some thing huge. Try to learn title searches as fast as the profe ionals. Get to know government policies that have property records and tax a e ment records. Get to know the property values in an area where you are going to invest.



Anyone purchasing a new home will most likely have to obtain a home mortgage in order to be able to

Anyone purchasing a new home will most likely have to obtain a home mortgage in order to be able to close the deal. There are two important factors in purchasing a home and each require co iderable thought before making a decision - choosing the home itself and choose a home mortgage. A lender will present you with two different choices on a home mortgage - an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) and a fixed rate mortgage.

What is a fixed rate mortgage? It is a type of mortgage that has a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan. The interest rate and terms of the mortgage is determined when you a ly and are a roved for a home loan. For the entire life of the loan, the interest rate and payments are co istently the same.

What is an adjustable rate mortgage? It is a type of mortgage with variable interest rates. The mortgage and interest rates are reviewed at a rate of one to three years during the life of the mortgage. When reviewed, a new interest rate will be a e ed on the mortgage loan.

No one can determine what the interest rate will be when the review arises. There are many different factors that you should co ider when you are deciding which mortgage you should choose. At first glance, the adjustable rate mortgage will look like the best choice. It will a ear to have a much lower rate of interest than the fixed rate type. You should keep in mind that an adjustable rate could result in more costs for you as time pa es. If you take care to ask questio and conduct your research about recent and past interest rates, you may be able to determine which mortgage is best suited to your needs.

The right mortgage has the same impact on your entire situation as your choice of homes.

Ken Charnley is a personal finance enthusiast whos we ite is dedicated to quality information on online loa . For all your online loan needs visit and A ly For Loa Online

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 

Prepaid cards are one of the newest and most interesting financial products on the market, and they

Prepaid cards are one of the newest and most interesting financial products on the market, and they are something that everyone should be made aware of. However, many people do not know what prepaid cards are, and how they can benefit you. If you want to know more about prepaid cards, then here is some advice about their advantages and disadvantages.

What does prepaid mean?

Many of us have prepaid phone cards or SIM cards for our mobiles, but prepaid debit cards are quite a new idea. However, the concept is the same as other prepaid mediums, where you load money onto a card and then you can end this money at retailers or withdraw the money at an ATM. You load money onto the card using cash, bank tra fer or another card.

Are they credit or debit cards?

Prepaid cards are neither credit nor debit cards, but have features similar to both. These are VISA or MasterCard cards usually, and so have the wide usage and security features of a credit card. However, you are not borrowing money, simply using your own money to top up a card and end on it. They are a financial product that falls in between debit and credit cards.

What are the advantages?

The major advantage of a prepaid card is that you can easily keep track of your ending and limit yourself to a certain level of ending each month. Also, you dont have to pay interest and dont have to go through credit checks to get one. All of the funds on the card are completely controlled by the amount of money you wish to put on it. This mea there is no risk of borrowing too much and getting into debt.

Who should get a prepaid card?

Prepaid cards can be useful for anyone who wants to control their ending but still have the security and usage features of a credit card. Also, prepaid cards can be very useful for teenagers or children if they need a card. As a parent you can control their ending by only putting on a certain amount each week or month for them to end, whilst still giving them the freedom and security to purchase items using plastic.

The costs of a prepaid card

Although prepaid cards have many advantages, they can cost you money through various charges and fees. Many prepaid cards carry an a lication charge as well as a monthly usage charge. If you are paying a monthly service charge, then you need to make sure that other services are given to you for this money, such as helplines or added security. Before getting a prepaid card, you should shop around to find the card that has the lowest fees. Although you are not paying interest, these fees can add up and if you dont use the card a lot could cost you more than you will end up ending. However, if you look around there are some good deals to be had. If you want to control your ending or your childs then getting a prepaid card might be the a wer.


When it comes to buying an expe ive item, people are more reluctant to doing it quickly. They usuall

When it comes to buying an expe ive item, people are more reluctant to doing it quickly. They usually take the time to carefully look at all the features of the desired product. Only after completing these stages do they give up the large amount of money that product costs.

The investments in land are among the things people do with great care and attention. The seller must thoroughly be investigated, so that the investment is a good and profitable one. You have to be aware of its fluctuating prices. Since land prices are always registering an upward rise in the graph, its best to invest in purchasing it without much hesitation. This should be done, of course, not at the cost of overlooking other relevant factors i.e. a buyer has a limited budget and further delay on his part can often result in his inability to purchase his desired land.

Furthermore, once a piece of land is purchased, the owner always has the golden o ortunity to sell it off at an enormous profit. Land prices are always going up and so the buyer can enjoy great profit whenever he sells it to another interested person!

Those interested in purchasing land should not wait any longer. They must always remember that land is an a et that everyone wants to covet as much as po ible. Investing in real estate is always a safe bet compared to investing in the stock market. Given the present market statistics, land prices are said to be going further up in the near future. So, for those of you who want to make money out of this busine , now is the best time for buyers to buy land.

The buyer must find the right person from whom he wants to purchase his land. Nowadays, a roaching a real estate firm would be a really good thing to do. A number of firms offer lands at below market value and a ist buyers to purchase lands with built-in equity. Besides, buyers are also offered co ultation services with regard to the tra action. They are welcome to make the required investigation with regard to their purchase. These firms also take care of the legal formalities. Thus, buying land has become easier than never before. Anyone can try his or her luck at least once! So, do not waste any more time and get on investing!


We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly,

We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly, all property that has a money value or exchangeable value, overflowing stock of useful goods having economic value at any one time.
The word wealth originated from the old English word weal, which mea well-being or welfare.

Wealth is basically defined as one having an abundance of goods and resources or the ability to po e any type of goods or resources in abundance with the exchange of money. Another portion of the definition of wealth is po e ing real estate or personal property with an exchangeable value. Wealth can also be defined as a state of well-being or good health.
In modern society, we have an increasing number of avenues to obtain wealth. Society must simply gain the knowledge and skills nece ary to implement the proper strategies and techniques.


One strategy is called (triple compounding), suggested by Steve Sjuggerud. Sjuggerud is the writer of investment letter --True Wealth--. He unfolds, Your account can grow at rapid eeds for three reaso : First, you are adding to your account every month. Second, if you invest in growth mutual funds, your accounts NAV (net a et value) is likely to increase overtime. Third, all dividends and distributio are automatically reinvested.



Mortgage leads are pricele tools for all serious mortgage brokers. Theyll let you know who needs se

Mortgage leads are pricele tools for all serious mortgage brokers. Theyll let you know who needs services, and include contact information that could help you gain valuable new clients. The standard way to find mortgage leads is to su cribe to a mortgage lead company, most of which are online.

This can be an effective method of finding mortgage leads, and will be very beneficial to your company. Many mortgage companies will get you their leads within minutes of their generation, giving you an edge on your competition that will come in very useful.

However, you may at some point want to try your hand at generating your own mortgage leads. This can be a very complicated proposition, and until a few years ago would have meant hiring extra employees to manage all of the paperwork. These days, however, software automation is on the rise. It is po ible to buy software that will manage lead generation for you, giving you the most leads without requiring any of the detailed busy work lead generation would otherwise entail.

Some software corporatio even go so far as to provide you with automated web software capable of designing and maintaining a we ite for the expre purpose of generating new leads for your busine . In todays world of technology and the internet, a whole new software industry is being devoted to helping brokers like you get an edge on the modern market and mortgage leads. The succe ful mortgage broker would be wise to invest in that rising trend as soon as po ible.


For all of us involved in advertising the challenge of producing that one piece of copywriting magic

For all of us involved in advertising the challenge of producing that one piece of copywriting magic that sends our sales soaring is never far from our minds. Face it, copywriting is not all about aesthetically pleasing language, it is about sales. The most aesthetically pleasing copywriting is not nece arily the most persuasive that will produce the greatest sales. More often than not, simple is what produces the most sales. This in no way implies that you should abandon your artistic abilities when writing your ad copy.

Great copywriting demands discipline, imagination, creativity and hard work. You will not become a great copywriter overnight. Even for the best of us, it takes time to master the skill of ad copywriting. With hard work, dedication and purpose you will be able to acquire the techniques that will have you producing great ad copy:

In this article you will learn about the pitfalls you must avoid if you wish to improve your ad copy:

1. Wrong or Misleading Information

There is nothing worse than an ad copy that misrepresents it products or services. The only person it hurts is you. Yes, you make a few quick bucks but misleading information will eventually destroy your credibility.


Thoroughly check the facts of your copy before submitting it.

2. No call to action

Many times we produce great ad copy be omit the call to action. You must tell your readers exactly you expect of them, whether to sign up to your mailing list or buy your product. The call for action is what tur visitors into customers.


State precisely what action you want from your readers

3. Sexist language

Sexist or gender ecific language can be offe ive to people and will only serve to alienate your readers.

Solution: use gender-neutral phrases. Use of plurals is also recommended

4. Alienation of Readers

Your audience should always be the primary focus of copywriting and thus your writing style should reflect that of your audience. U ece ary words and phrases will confuse your audience and take the punch out of your ad copy.


Avoid the use of technical jargon. Simplicity is the key to effective communication. Make sure your copy is concise. Don't eak over the heads of your readers or try to impre them with words and phrases they do not understand.

5. Emotionle Language

Emotion is the central nervous system of copywriting. People buy on emotion not words. Bland copy does not a eal to the emotion of your readers. To write emotionally charged copy that creates an attachment between your readers and products you must first understand your customers needs, moods, personality and desires.


You must try to understand what motivates them into buying your product. Get to know your customers and understand what motivates them into buying your product. A eal to the emotio of your readers. Emphasise with your customers.

If you keep those ti in mind when preparing your ad copy, you will see significant improvements in your copywriting.


Everyone knows that proper and regular maintenance is nece ary to keep your automobile in good worki

Everyone knows that proper and regular maintenance is nece ary to keep your automobile in good working order. Even though you may have worked on your own cars as a teenager or still co ider yourself to be an amateur car repair ecialist I recommend that you leave the work to a qualified mechanic who has been trained to do the job properly. This is e ecially important on higher end vehicle makes such as Mercedes, BMW, and Lexus where the maintenance records play a large part in determining the value of a vehicle when you decide to sell it or trade it.

Deciding on a mechanic to entrust with caring for your vehicle is an important decision and should not be taken lightly. Finding the perfect mechanic i 't rocket science but on the other hand there i 't exactly a manual on how to find a good one either. Here are some things to keep in mind that will help you.

First off, ask the pro ective mechanic for some references. Tell him what's in it for him. If you own several vehicles let him know that you will bring all of them to him for regular maintenance and repairs. Tell him that you take the car of your vehicles seriously and that is why you want to be able to eak to some of his customers to see what they have to say. If he is a reputable mechanic he will have no problem with this because he will have a long list of ha y and satisfied clients. Another thing you can do along these same lines is ask friends and relatives who they use to take care of their cars and trucks. If you ask enough people you are sure to find a name that comes up often.

The next thing you should be concerned with is his qualificatio or certificatio . I prefer using a mechanic who is ASE certified as this is the industry standard and i ures that the mechanic is proficient in his craft. Don't be afraid to ask the mechanic about this, a good mechanic will be proud of their achievements and will lost likely have them di layed where they can be seen. Don't trust you automobile to a shade tree mechanic.

If you belong to a car club for your particular make of vehicle ask other owners who they use. Most likely you will find that the majority of them use the same person who ecializes in your particular vehicle and may even offer a discount to members of your club.

Finding a quality mechanic is important to the life of your car, don't underestimate this and take the time to find a good one.


Auto i urance can make all of the difference in the world in the unfortunate event of an accident. N

Auto i urance can make all of the difference in the world in the unfortunate event of an accident. Not only does it cover property damage, but auto i urance offers other protectio as well.

For example, liability coverage will cover damage you cause to other vehicles in an accident, and it can also cover others' medical expe es.

The type of policy you have will determine the dollar amount of coverage you receive in these areas. The cost of the policy will be affected by the level of protection you buy, and other factors such as your age, and driving record.

Given the importance of auto i urance, it's a good idea to shop carefully when looking for a ropriate coverage.

The policy itself is a contract that ecifies your obligatio , as well as the financial commitment of the i urer. The amount you pay for a set term of coverage is called the premium. Generally the premium of your auto i urance is fixed for the term of the policy barring unforeseen events, such as an accident.

State requirements for auto i urance vary from state to state and from individual to individual. eaking to an i urance profe ional will help you make a decision based on your particular needs.

The premium for auto i urance is directly co ected to 6 levels of coverage. These levels include comprehe ive, collision, uni ured/underi ured motorist, property damage liability, bodily injury liability, and medical payments (also known as personal injury protection).

Comprehe ive protection covers lo es that are not a direct result of an accident. For example, comprehe ive would come in handy if you sustained damage to your car due to a hailstorm.

Some drivers choose not to carry comprehe ive, e ecially if they are driving an older vehicle of little monetary value. Also the deductible (the portion of an expe e you pay out of pocket)may exceed the value of some older cars.

On the other hand, if you purchase a new car, e ecially with a loan, you may need to incorporate comprehe ive in your policy.

Collision coverage a ropriately covers your automobile in the event of a collision. This protection covers damage even if it's determined you're at fault in the accident. The cost of collision coverage will be affected by the deductible. Generally eaking, the higher your deductible the lower the premium for your auto i urance.

Uni ured and underi ured motorist coverage covers you in the event that you are in an accident caused by an uni ured or underi ured driver. This protects you as well as any other designated driver of your car. This coverage can be invaluable if you sustain significant injury. This type of coverage may also cover you if you are a pedestrian and a driver hits you.

Property damage liability covers damages you cause to another vehicle. It also covers damages you might cause to other property. If for example, you take out the neighbor's fence going around a corner, property damage liability coverage will cover this.

Bodily injury liability coverage is particularly important. This hel protect you financially in the event that you cause an accident and cause injury to other people.

Medical payments coverage (personal injury protection) is a type of coverage that protects you and the occupants of your car for medical related expe es.

Auto i urance will help you and those you love if a mishap occurs. Finding the right auto i urance policy will help make your driving experience safer and more pleasurable.

For more information, see Make-Getting-I urance


The IRS is heavily promoting electronic filing optio . This promotion has run into problems with cor

The IRS is heavily promoting electronic filing optio . This promotion has run into problems with corporatio because of complex regulatio . The IRS is now moving to correct this problem.

IRS Simplifies Reporting Requirements for Cor

Corporate tax filings are legendary for their complexity, number of forms that must be filed and general burden they create. Large, publicly traded corporatio make every effort to file the proper forms, but the burden is such that when all is said and done, one corporation reported it had to file the equivalent of three tax forms for every working hour of the year. For small corporatio and shareholders, the burden is not much le .

Given this ma ive tax burden, the idea of a corporation filing electronic tax retur is laughable. The IRS has finally realized as much. In re o e, it is making an effort to simplify or do away with regulatio . In fact, the service has changed over 20 different regulatory grou to ma ively simplify a variety of tax situatio .

One area of simplification has to do with the tra fer of interest in certain types of corporate share tra fers. Known as a section 351 tra fer, the regulatio previously required both the corporation and shareholder to file up to 18 different information items. Yes, 18! To simplify this me , the IRS is now requiring the filings only for individuals that own more than five percent of a publicly traded company orone percent of a private company. Those still required to file will now only have to provide very basic information. This is a vast improvement on the old system.

One of the big red tape problems for corporate and shareholder filings is a simple one. The IRS has historically required everything to be physically signed by certain shareholders. This was e entially a method for forcing shareholders to come forward regardle of the corporate pla ing being done. The IRS is now de-emphasizing the signature requirements and allowing the same forms to simply be filed electronically. It sounds like a small thing until you go through the experience of sending a form to 15 different shareholders around the country.

The effort of the IRS to simply corporate and shareholder filings should be a lauded. It is a small step in dealing with a large problem.


Buyer's remorse, in real estate, occurs when your buyer tells you he has changed his mind and no lon

Buyer's remorse, in real estate, occurs when your buyer tells you he has changed his mind and no longer wants to purchase your home. Often, the buyer will simply stop returning your calls and refuse to eak to you. Even worse, he may act as if all is well, string you along for weeks, and finally just not show up for the closing.

Usually this i ue occurs when the buyer realizes he can not afford your property. Or after signing a contract with you, he may also have continued sho ing and found another property he prefers.

Frequent excuses for not closing usually include a job tra fer that fell through, unexpected ousal separation, illne of a family member, didn't like the neighbors when he oke to them, and a myriad of other things that have gone wrong since he signed your sales contract. Even if his excuse is true, you now face the dilemma of having to resell your home and incur the additional expe es of carrying the property for several months or longer. Even if you are able to rapidly resell your home again, you will have been delayed by at least thirty days and have the lo of carrying your home longer.

Here are some ways to protect yourself from your closing being cancelled:

  • ) You should have your mortgage broker pre-qualify the pro ective buyer to be certain they can actually afford to buy your home and if they have enough money for closing. The closing cost i ue can be overcome by increasing the selling price and giving back the same amount as a seller conce ion at the closing.

  • ) You should make certain that the buyer gets a Good Faith Estimate. Too often, the buyer's mortgage broker has the buyer sign a blank Good Faith Estimate. The buyer may get a huge surprise, often the day before or the day of closing, when he finds out how much he has to bring to the closing. You have an option, in this case, of reducing your sales price to accommodate the buyer or, even better, you can take back a small second mortgage at the closing to defer a portion of his closing costs.

  • ) The best way to guard agai t these surprises is to be inquisitive about the buyer's funding status initially and i ert a clause in your sales contract that allows you to get information from the buyer's mortgage broker regarding the Good Faith Estimate and the status of the loan. You have a lot at stake when you sell your home and this is not too much to ask.

  • ) Make certain that your sales contract has a non-refundable escrow deposit clause that encompa es any reason including the buyer's inability to get financing. Most real estate contracts have a provision for the buyer to get a full refund of their deposit if they are unable to get financing. The second most important part of this sales contract clause should include that any exte ion of the closing will cost the buyer a given rate per day and for a maximum of fifteen days.

A frequent reason for a cancelled closing is a dramatic change in the buyer's FICO score. Usually this results from large purchases of furniture or an automobile just prior to closing. Inform the buyer of this po ible i ue by explaining to him that the lender will re-pull his credit report the day of closing and stop the closing if the buyer's debt ratio has changed too much. Ways to overcome this problem are credit re-scoring by the lender and quick fixes for your credit report, such as increasing the limits on your existing credit cards to adjust your debt ratios.

Your best protection from surprises is to put a ropriate penalty clauses in your contract; have alternative lenders available from your mortgage broker; be open-minded about doing a seller conce ion at closing; and be willing to co ider a small second mortgage to a ist with last minute financing shortfalls.

In summary, your best prevention is to proactively keep in touch with all the parties involved in your closing. Of particular importance, and on the front line of i ues that "pop up" is your closing agent's file proce or. Make friends with this person so you can call and find out about the progre of the lender, mortgage broker, the buyer and any i ues they may be having with the title work. As always, keep yourself informed by keeping open communication with all parties involved in the sale of your home.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 

Toyota Motor Corp. (TMC) unveiled 7 concept cars at the 39th Tokyo Motor Show, which was open

Toyota Motor Corp. (TMC) unveiled 7 concept cars at the 39th Tokyo Motor Show, which was opened to public from October 22 to November 6 at the International Convention Complex (Makuhari Me e) in Makuhari, Chiba.

The automaker views Tokyo Motor Show as a great o ortunity to introduce new vehicle po ibilities. Through the years, Toyota has unraveled several cars and groundbreaking and futuristic technologies in said auto show. Among the concept cars presented are the Fine-X and i-swing. The latter is a brand new fuel cell hybrid vehicle while the former is a personal mobility vehicle.

The theme Ecology


Tra forming driving into pleasure is the easiest thing now. Thats because of our ecial iPod car kit

Tra forming driving into pleasure is the easiest thing now. Thats because of our ecial iPod car kit, capable of offering the best quality of sound in your car. Why should you opt for low quality products when you can get the best iPod car adapter on the market? We got everything you need, fully compatible with a large range of factory car radios, from Audi to VW.

Now its just so easy to enjoy driving! Even a long way by car could become a pleasure. Our offer includes all kinds of iPod car kit, compatible with factory fitted and aftermarket radios. You can also get universal FM modulator, auxiliary fitment and multiple device adapters.

If you wonder why you should get our iPod car kit, we have some a wers to give. The sound performance offered by our products is far superior when compared to illegal iPod FM tra mitters. Moreover, this is the iPod car adapter fully compatible with various types of iPods: color, mini, nano, photo and video.

Getting our kit, you will have the ability to control the iPod and the radio via your steering wheel controls and you wont have to worry about the battery, because it works fully charged all the time. Moreover, the most important, our iPod car kit is available for hundreds of vehicles a licatio , from Alfa to VW. This is the why you will be able to get what you and your car needs.

In case you need an iPod kit for your factory fitted radio, you may just choose it co idering your vehicle a licatio . We offer you a kit and an iPod car adapter, which will allow you to co ect your iPod to the factory fitted radio. You will also have full control of your video and audio library. The quality of the sound is just remarkable so that you can enjoy your ride.

You can use an iPod on your aftermarket radio too. All you have to do is to decide whether you prefer an iPod car kit or an iPod car adapter. Adapters are available in two types: dock cable and active cradle. They are enabling you to listen to your personal music collection in your own car. Another po ibility that you have is to co ect the iPod to the head units. The result will be a powerful, clear sound system for your portable player. Choosing our link plus adapter you will no longer need ca ette adapters, cigarette lighters or bulky FM tra mitters. Everything is easier this way and you will be able to acce over 10,000 MP3s everythingonly by touching a button!

Our link FM modulator will allow you to co ect your iPod to any car radio with an aerial i ut co ection. Moreover, an FM iPod adapter will offer you the same benefits and is ideal for radios that dont have charger control or for leased and cla ic cars. Just think about how easy it is now to have a relaxing ride. Why would you use illegal iPod FM tra mitters if you can do it the other way, having a high quality sound in your car?

Buying our products you will experience a dream come true. This way you will enjoy driving and you will have a large range of benefits that other products dont usually offer. There are many po ible a licatio when using our iPod car kit. Quality is our key word and we only do it to keep you satisfied when using the products we sell. Every iPod car adapter is legal and designed to offer you a wonderful experience when driving. Our products mean high quality and good prices, all available for you.


Many people want to know exactly How to Buy Land. I personally see and know a roximately how many pe

Many people want to know exactly How to Buy Land. I personally see and know a roximately how many people type those exact words into Google everyday. There are guidelines everybody should follow when buying land, and I hope this read will help you find your land without any ha le.

First, you have to know what purpose you want to buy land for and what your budget is. Land Investment is different than buying for living or retirement. Depending on the length of time your willing to invest your money in, you get buy land in a great subdivision or development, at a great cost, do the wait, and sell it when the land is surrounded by houses. This is ideal for land investment but not for living or retirement needs.

If you want to buy for living and/or retirement needs, than you most likely dont want to wait for the land to bought to become the hot ot of the State. I tead, it would be ideal to already know what exact area you want to live in and do the research yourself. Than, shop around to get the lowest prices for the best quality lots. For home sites, you have to make sure all utilities are up. In general, for home sites, you have to make sure you can build a house right away to your ecificatio .

Land Investment is a little different. You can buy in on very discounted land, and sell when people come and start living there. The more amenities, the better. Lake Front, Lake View, and Golf Course Lots are always sought after and are good for both land investment and living purposes. And lately, always make sure to get a Warranty Deed, or a similar document (depending on State) so that the land you own is really yours!


If you are two or three months behind in paying your mortgage, you may be at risk of losing your hom

If you are two or three months behind in paying your mortgage, you may be at risk of losing your home. This is because in most states, lenders can legally repo e your property and resell it for cash after three months of non-payment on a home loan. The legal proce to repo e your property is extremely stre ful. You may get hara ing calls from creditors, you may find yourself evicted from your home, you may find your credit score ruined, and you may find yourself without the home you have been faithfully paying off for months or even years. Foreclosure can actually leave you without a place to stay, without credit to buy a new property, and with enormous debts on top of that. In fact, if the lender ca ot get adequate money from your property by reselling it, you may still owe the lender money even after losing your home!

For all these reaso , if you are facing financial difficulty, you need foreclosure help right away in order to avoid this tragedy from ever ha ening to you. There are lots of resources for foreclosure help. There are credit cou elling companies that promise to help you, investors who offer to buy your home, and other resources that promise to give you all the a wers you need to magically save your home.

If you simply do not have the money to pay your debts, however, you do not have to pay thousands of dollars for profe ional help. You can simply move faster than the lender and sell your home for cash. In most states, there is a law that protects the homeowner. This law states that if you can pay off the remainder of your mortgage up until the time the home is legally repo e ed, the debt is forgiven and you can keep your home. Therefore, being able to sell your home quickly and for fair price can help you avoid the costs a ociated with owning a home and can give you the money you need to move into a new place. It can also give you the money you need to pay off your current editors so that you do not have to worry about collection calls or bad credit.

The main problem is that it can take months to sell a home, e ecially if you have not had the money to keep up with repairs on your property. Thousands of smart homeowners have already gotten foreclosure help through Thanks to, they were able to sell their homes quickly and for a fair offer. If you are facing financial problems, why not visit today? Simply fill out a free online a lication and you will find out how much cash you can get from your home right away. There's no obligation, so you can always walk away and seek other foreclosure help if you choose to do so. With no risk, but the po ibility of real financial help, you simply have nothing to lose.

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