With a car reward credit card, your credit card ending could be earning points towards a new car or
GM Flex Card - 1% Cash Back or 3% Towards a New GM
A full 1% cash back option
Earn a full 1% toward any new vehicle
Triple your Earnings to 3% toward an eligible, new GM vehicle
No A ual Fee
The GM Flex Card has a name that eaks for itself. It has the flexibility of either cash back on all purchases or a vehicle rebate. You can use the rebate as 1% towards any non-GM vehicle, or 3% towards any eligible new GM vehicle.
GM Busine Card from Chase - up to 3% cash back
This is going to help me in selecting the right card for the car i want to buy. I will look forward to it.
Rewards Credit Cards
Posted by
Marc Candel |
November 27, 2011 at 11:41 PM