When I was a little younger and studying in college I needed to take out a loan to buy a car. I a li
I discovered that there are places on the Internet where you can find your credit score quickly. I also discovered that my credit score wa t just made up of a single number it was actually three different credit scores, each compiled by one of the three credit bureaus: Experian, Tra Union and Equifax. However, I can find all three of these credit scores on the Internet, and use them to a e my own credit. Furthermore, I found a few places where I could get a credit report cheap!
To find my credit score I typed the term FICO into a search engine. FICO is the name of the most widely known scoring system in the US (but not the only one). That search led me to sites such as www.myfico.com and www.fico.com. Using these sites you can buy a copy of your credit report for as little as around $15.
All I had to do to get hold of my cheap credit score report was to enter a few details such as my name, addre and social security number, and then make my payment. Once Id done that I had i tant acce to my credit score. However, if youd prefer to get a free credit report you can also sign up for a free trial. That way you can get acce to your credit score without having to go through the ha le of using your credit card.
Now I can get acce to my report whenever I want, so I can keep an eye on my credit score and be informed as soon as it gets better so I can start looking for low interest rate loa and credit cards.