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Sunday, April 20, 2008 

To market your property, you are going to need to have some choice photographs. Before whi ing out t

To market your property, you are going to need to have some choice photographs. Before whi ing out the camera, however, you need to give some thought to the proce .

Why Photographs for Your Listing Are Important

One of the most important things that will set your property out from others is photographs. When a buyer is looking in MLS, on the internet or in some other location, photographs draw their attention. Is this shallow? Well, yes and no.

Unle you are talking to a lawyer or ychiatrist, words are cheap. Indeed, the real estate world has its own lexicon of terms that dont really mean what they say and are the basis for some ide remarks. For i tance, a cozy home is a real estate methodology for saying a property is SMALL! The question, of course, is how small are we talking? This is why photographs are key to your marketing efforts.

In the view of most buyers, the initial proof in the pudding is in photographs. Almost nobody really believes any of the adjectives used in real estate advertisements. Frankly, they words could mean anything. Much like a dating site, however, photographs tend to shed a more objective light on the subject. Unlike a dating site, a property doe t tend to dramatically age over five years, change hair color, go bald or gain some unwanted pounds. Put in practical terms, buyers dont believe your words, but do believe your photographs.

If you give some thought to what I just said, you will realize that I am suggesting that most buyers a ume you will lie about your property in advertisements. Dont take it personally. They dont know you, so why should they trust you? Frankly, they should not. That being said, you can use this distrust to your advantage.

You would be shocked how many people put little or no effort into the photographs of their property. As an old commercial slogan stated Image is everything. A shallow statement, but true. Your photographs represent the first curb a eal impre ion buyers will get of your property.

This mea you need to strongly co ider hiring a profe ional photographer to take the photographs. They understand lighting, angles and so on. It may sound like an u ece ary expe e, but it can be the difference between a sale and sitting on the market for month after month.

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