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Sunday, April 13, 2008 

There are many types of houses which can be bought on the real estate market today. HUD houses can b

There are many types of houses which can be bought on the real estate market today. HUD houses can be found all over the United States and are great o ortunities for everybody who is interested. If you are an investor or if you are just in need of a new house, you should co ider purchasing a HUD home for sale, which is a foreclosed home owned by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a result of repo e ion. The goals of HUD are carried out by the Federal Housing Authority (FHA). When an FHA-i ured mortgage is not paid, the house is foreclosed by its lender. Then HUD takes the ownership of the house by paying the lender for his lost money. The property will be quickly offered for sale at a great discount.

If you are interested in finding and buying a HUD home for sale, you are strongly advised to use a HUD a roved real estate agent. Even if purchasing a government foreclosed house is easier than a private real estate tra action, the buyer must follow certain procedures and use certain forms. Keep in mind that HUD offers to pay the agents commi ion, if mentioned in the contract. This commi ion usually amounts to 6% or 7% of the cost of the property.

There are some ecial programs for teachers, police officers, fire fighters or emergency medical technicia , who can purchase a HUD home for sale at 50% of the listed price. But almost everybody can buy this kind of foreclosed property at a good price, below market value. All you have to do is get qualified for a loan or have the nece ary cash. You have more chances if you want to buy a house as your primary residence, but when the 10 days priority period for owner occupants expires, u old properties become available to all interested buyers, including real estate investors.

Since a HUD home for sale is always offered on an as-is basis, it is recommended to get a profe ional i ection before submitting a bid. Renovatio and replacements can increase su tantially the cost of the house. But even if HUD properties are said to be in very bad condition, in fact they are comparable to any other foreclosed homes. It depends on how well the past owner took care of them and you just have to pay attention to all the details before selecting your house.

When buying a HUD home for sale, there are no negotiatio between the seller and the buyer. The agent you chose can submit your offer during the Listing Period, any day of the week, including holidays and weekends. A 5% earnest money deposit must also be submitted. All the bids are analysed within a short period and generally the highest net bid wi the auction. In default of an acceptable bid, the foreclosed property remai open to new bidding until it is sold. If your bid is accepted, your real estate agent is notified within 48 hours and the sale is closed within 30-60 days, a period during which you have to arrange the financing. If you dont close the tra action by the settlement day, you lose your earnest money deposit or you have to pay for an exte ion of the contract. Usually, this deposit becomes part of the down payment or closing costs, if your offer is accepted, or is returned to you, if your offer is rejected.

Besides the low price, a HUD home for sale offers you a lot of other financial advantages, since you may qualify for a 3% down payment, you can get a HUD repair loan or you may have up to 5% of your closing costs paid by the government. Nonethele , you can move in fast, since HUD houses are pre-a raised.

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