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Saturday, March 29, 2008 

A recent article on Merrill Goozners blog GoozNewz points out that President Bush recently endorsed

A recent article on Merrill Goozners blog GoozNewz points out that President Bush recently endorsed drug price negotiatio . Many have thought the president to be staunchly o osed to letting Medicare negotiate its drug prices with prescription drug manufacturers.

In the presidents recent budget, he said:

"Allow Optional Managed Formulary: Allows States to use private sector management techniques to leverage greater discounts through negotiatio with drug manufacturers.

The president has been bombarded by critics that say his lack of su ort for drug price negotiatio hurts the poor and working cla citize , while strengthening the large drug manufactures grip on the middle cla America pocketbook.

De ite popular belief that the President is agai t drug price negotiatio he made a recent pre release that said, Whats good enough for states should be good enough for the federal government and for the millio of seniors and people with disabilities currently being overcharged for nece ary drugs. If Medicaid can succe fully negotiate for lower prices, Medicare should also be able to get beneficiaries a better deal.

Su orters of drug price negotiatio have feared the day that their bill will be set on the presidents desk. The president has been very vocal that he did not su ort Pelosis recent proposal to let Medicare negotiate its prices, and would not hesitate to use his power to veto. Maybe, just maybe, we will see cheaper prices negotiated for Medicare.

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