The Southern California Clean Vehicle Technology Expo represents a great o ortunity for Phoen
The Southern California Clean Vehicle Technology Expo represents a great o ortunity for Phoenix to show fleet operators, particularly those in the public utility ace, what our electric vehicles looks like in action. The reactio we are getting so far from fleet operators, as well as representatives of federal and state level environmental agencies are very positive.
This is a statement given out by Dan Riegert. Riegert is the present chairman for Phoenix Motorcars and the busine organization has just reached out further than usual to show off to the rest of the motoring world just what kind of products and services they are capable of doing and offering. The grand event was done by Phoenix Motorcars along with Boshard Engineering. Together, they o ored its partner Altair Nanotechnologies Inc so as to bring about the event and make it a reality.
The Southern California Clean Vehicle Technology Expo which was just held recently became the avenue for the companies to actually show off their new creation. This vehicle technology expo was held in Ontario, Californias Ontario Convention Center.
One of the most outstanding pieces that the Altair Nanotechnologies Inc have shown off is the ort utility vehicle which they have created to be an electric vehicle. This electric ort utility vehicle was exhibited along with another electric vehicle a ort utility truck. This time, the electric ort utility truck is a creation of Phoenix Motorcars. Both these vehicles have been created so much so that they not only help you save gas but they have also been made ready so much so that you can now start revving up the engine and use this on the highway. Yes, they are already ready for a in.
Both these vehicles are sure proofs that electric powered vehicles can be made into reality and into production vehicles. It would only be up to those Dodge auto parts creators, Ford truck parts manufacturers, and other automotive busine es to decide on if they are willing to invest in plants and facilities that could manufacture electric vehicles.
As per the electric powered ort utility vehicle, this one gets its power straight right out of batteries called the Altairnano NanoSafe. These batteries can be charged in just minutes, not even hours, yet they can enable the electric powered ort utility vehicle to run up to eeds of 95 miles per hour. It can also give the vehicle the boost of eed to zoom from zero to a high of sixty miles per hour in le than ten seconds. The battery can also be used to travel up to a high of 110 miles or even more. These Altairnano NanoSafe batteries could also be used for up fifteen years or even more.
Alan J. Gotcher Ph. D. is the current president and chief officer of Altairnano and he does expre , Today, perha more than ever before, theres tremendous interest in the road performance, recharge capability and overall safety characteristics of electric vehicles powered by Altairnanos NanoSafe batteries.