The majority of tattoos are a lied without any problem, but there are some that result in a le than
If exce ive redne , swelling or pain around the area of the tattoo develo , a lice ed physician will need to i ect the tattoo in order to determine whether or not it is infected. Common treatments may include medication, but an infection that has gotten extremely bad may require that the patient be ho italized. In addition to the obvious concer that may arise immediately, a physician may again be needed later on if the patient ever decides to have that tattoo removed. Surgery is the only way to completely remove a tattoo and, as with any type of surgery, this carries additional risks.
If an individual decides to remove his/her tattoo, the procedure may be either an out-patient proce or one that requires a minimal ho ital stay. The ultimate determination will be made by a physician, who will co ider the patients overall health and the likelihood of developing any type of infection. In addition, patients who experience complicatio during surgery or a po ible allergic reaction to medication will likely be admitted to the ho ital for further o ervation.
The next risk a ociated with tattoos is not so much one of health, but of a earance. If a tattoo is done by an amateur or simply not done well, its a earance may be ruined. At the same time, if a tattoo is every removed, there is a great po ibility that a visible scar will remain. While it is true that most scars become le noticeable in time, they never completely go away and will forever be a reminder of the tattoo that was once there.
Just as with every decision in life, there are pluses and minuses to every ordeal. If you are co idering a tattoo, take a moment to carefully think about why you want the tattoo, how you will feel about it 10 years from now and whether or not the tattoo is for you or for someone else. When making a permanent marking on your body, you should do so only because you want to and not because anyone else wants or expects you to.
This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, profe ional medical advice. Before deciding on getting a tattoo or having one removed, the patient must co ult a lice ed medical doctor for medical advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual healthcare needs.