Monday, January 21, 2008 

How to choose rims and acce ories for your car Getting your car to look funky and the e

How to choose rims and acce ories for your car

Getting your car to look funky and the envy of all your friends can be a time co uming and expe ive proce . First of all, your car will still be your car, so the first factor to take into account is that your car must be acce orized according to your personality. If you have an adventurous streak in you, it is natural that this adventurous character trait will find its way into the looks of your car. Of course, choosing rims and other acce ories for your car must be done in accordance with the law. All acce ories must be properly fitted to the car and not at any time cause any hazard to fellow-road users.

Having the car of your dreams, but without the proper automotive acce ories will be like having your dream house without the interior decoratio done according to your own preferences. Apart from choosing car acce ories to give your car that distinctive look to match your even distinctive character, car acce ories are chosen to enhance the performance of your car. More and more car buyers prefer to buy a standard and plain model and invest their money in this vehicle to make it fast, funky and have a brand new look. Current car owners are nowadays thinking twice about trading their customized cars. With a bit of time, effort and money to buy the right acce ories, they can have that reliable automotive number so up and ready that can even out-perform some of the newer models. You can have this new looking car with enhanced performance at a much cheaper price than what a brand new car would cost.

At Victoria Tire, we ecialize in car acce ories. We will be able to a ist you with any enquiries that you may have and can su ly you with the parts and acce ories that you might need. Some of the car acce ories that you might co ider when deciding to tune up your vehicle include air dams and oilers, window tinting, custom wheels, custom seats, i trumentation, ecial shock a orbers, sun roofs, wheels and tires, grille guards, remote engine starting systems. It is important to remember that while these items might cost a bit more, they will definitely be worth the time and money put into your car.

The most important acce ory that you might want to co ider changing is your tires. This is probably the most important part of the car, apart from the engine that kee it going, since it co ects you to the road. Worn tires can result in serious injury or even death if not taken proper care of on a regular basis. Tire wear patter can be indicative of problems with a cars cha is components or can even point to problems such as loose parts like shocks, ball joints or weak or wrong rings. Also make sure that the alignment and su e ion is done according to the manual. Check the tire pre ure on a regular basis and rotate the tires every seven thousand miles. If you take good care or your tires, they will take good care of you.

Choosing tires is not just a ur of the moment decision. One factor that must be borne in mind when buying tires is the weather condition that this tire will need to perform in. Those individuals living in the regio where the average temperature is below average will choose a different tire than the individuals living in the warmer regio of the country. In areas where extreme temperatures can be experienced, it may be required to have two sets of tires. A set of tires for each of the higher and lower temperature conditio will definitely be advantageous. For those individuals living in areas where ice may occur on the roads during the winter months, a set of tires with metal studs may be helpful. These metal stud tires are ba ed in some states, so make sure that you will not be breaking the law if you are driving around with them.

Acce ories that can be included in the package when buying new tires, or can be bought individually include powerful and high volume air compre ors, tire pre ure gauge and liquid sealant. These tire kits can be bought from any tire and tire acce ory su lier and it can be really helpful in the event of getting a flat along side the road. Ask Victoria Tire for some information about the su lies you should have, and e ure that you get the a licable acce ories for your tire to help make tire maintenance a simple job.

Other factors that deserve some co ideration are the style, affordability and durability of tires. Once you have found the perfect tire, the looks thereof can be enhanced by adding wheel covers, hub ca , are rims or customized center ca . If you are looking to add some additional flair to your car, some of the other optio to co ider when looking at tires are whether it should be steel wheels, aluminum, clear coated, chromed, polished or painted wheels to match the color of your car.

It is important to choose rims and acce ories for your tire according to the ecificatio in the owners manual that comes with your car. Safety must be the main co ideration when looking at tires for your vehicle. Tires purchased and fitted at the same time must always have the same measurements such as size, tread and type. Tires that are too big can lead to damage of the cars fenders or su e ion. Tires with different treads can have one end of the automotive react differently than the other end and this may lead to decreased control over the vehicle. It is therefore important that the four tires on your car must be as identical as po ible.

It is important to remember that cheaper is not always better. Your life and the lives of your pa engers literally depend on the condition of your cars tires. I tead of having the attitude that tires are just an additional extra to enhance the features or look of you car, rather think about it as an investment in your safety, the safety of your fellow-road users as well as an investment in smoother rides and safer journeys. Your tires are you life cord to the road.

Once you have decided on the tires, you can have your way around the extras that will add some extra flavor to your cars image. Remember that you ca ot drive around with a ectacular vehicle that can make minced meat of eed and break the sound barrier on tires that is a death warrant. It will defy the point of having this orty automotive to show it off, but no-one wants to get into it as they are too scared they will not come out alive on the other end. Start with the basics to make your car look and perform its best. You ca ot walk without legs. Your car ca ot ride without wheels. In the end the pants that cover your legs are not what are making you perform.

Sunday, January 20, 2008 

There is more to magic than the mere puzzling of an audience. Certainly, they will marvel, wonder at

There is more to magic than the mere puzzling of an audience. Certainly, they will marvel, wonder at what they have just seen, and try to gue how everything has ha ened. However, a skilled magician will never let the ectators find clues to his magic. With a well-prepared choreography and a lot of practice prior to the actual presentation, conjurors hold the e ential part to working their magic trick on their audience. Present-day illusionists almost all of them or at least those claiming to po e the skill choose to start their magic shows with a pre-established card trick. The key is in the visual impact upon the ectators, as well as in the effortle e the magician seems to invest in the whole proce . Nothing is more bewildering to an audience than the a arent ease with which a conjuror seems to perform such a magic trick.

Frequently, people find that a well-performed card trick is particularly agreeable precisely because they ca ot tell with accuracy how the performer tricked them into seeing what he wanted them to see. Magicia , beware! Most often, you will deal with intelligent audiences who will do their best to put their finger on the ecifically deceiving moves that must have accompanied your magic. This is how most of them think, unle you are dealing with children whom we all know to stay always prepared for newer and newer magic to amaze them. However, do not underestimate a childs ma er of perceiving things. You may find, more often than not, surprising (to you) reactio to your magic trick moves, coming from children.

Generally, audiences di lay a preference for tricks performed with cards, because many of them create the o ortunity of getting close to the magician and to the cards. Although you can a roach a card trick in stage magic circumstances, it is nonethele one of the tricks that remain the strong point of close-up magic. If performed by a seasoned magician, a sleight of hand looks like just another regular move. With an exercised sleight of hand, tricks with cards turn into some of the easiest magic tasks you have ever completed. Practically, two sides are e ential to the efficient performance of such tricks. First, you need the legerdemain (the sleight of hand) practiced attitude and then you need the aptitude to get away with it, uno erved by the ectators eyes.

The legerdemain part obtai its best use if you have patience to learn it until it becomes into just another normal move of your body this is how you have to perceive it and this is how your audiences should perceive it. Whether it is close-up magic circumstances that you will a roach or whether you will act in stage magic conditio , their eyes will watch your every move. This is why it is important to provide your moves particularly the sleights of hand with a natural, a arently inartificial a earance, so that they will su ose all the time that there could be no trick in such normal moves. To what concer the ability to make them believe what they see, this is, in fact, your ability to control them. By making your moves seem as natural as po ible, you are redirecting their attention to le important a ects in your performance, i.e. the a ects you can control with the utmost ease.

Generally, when you are performing a card trick, you should do your best to make sure your audiences are not permanently watching your hands. In fact, this is the secret with any magic trick: you need to learn how to misdirect. You can do that in more ways. One of them is to get your ectators to like you and, thus, to want to enter your game with the curiosity and amusement of children in the case where you are not already in front of such a young audience. Try to introduce your card trick or any other trick, for that matter with a joke or a question. This part of the show also requires a lot of practice, because your words must a ear as natural and as amusing as po ible.

Then you should remember that, when a technique such as the legerdemain is nece ary, eye contact is e ential for the control of your watchers. Generally, they tend to look where you look, and if you watch your hand moves, they will watch them. If you can look into their eyes and add a little joke while you are operating the magic sleight of hand, you may be sure you have attained your goal. In any case, do not panic if they seem too willing to watch your hands. Keep trying to make eye contact. It is impo ible for them to stay all the time with their eyes fixed on your hands. Our ma ers and education always push us into offering feedback with a look to someone who is watching us in a direct ma er. Therefore, do not worry that your magic trick will fall to pieces. Every now and then, they will look into your eyes, in their turn, and then, if you have practiced your sleights of hand sufficiently, you will be able to work your magic.

Finally, keep in mind that no magic trick will work if you do not create an agreeable, inviting atmo here. In close-up magic, inviting your audience to be a part of the ell is what they expect and what they enjoy most. You should include in your program card tricks that actually involve the ectators. Ask for volunteers. You will see that many of them are willing to become an active part of your show. If you have prepared it well, things will work smooth and you will provide your audiences with an enchanting touch to their day.


If you are a car enthusiast and you cant let one day go by without checking out the latest car news,

If you are a car enthusiast and you cant let one day go by without checking out the latest car news, the wonder of the twentieth century, the internet, will quench that thirst for you. Nowadays, magazines or shows on television just dont seem so reliable any more not to mention that they impose a certain schedule. On the other hand, the very numerous we ites about automobiles and car blogs are right there for you, with all the information you may need about automotive news or automotive reviews.

If you are interested in buying a car, you should definitely check out some car reviews. What car dealers tell you is one thing, what you get might be quite another. We are referring, of course, to customers who have i ignificant experience in the field of automobiles and who may be easy to trick only by using some words which may sound to the like belonging to another language. After all, it is well known that, for most people, the purchase of an automobile is the second largest in an expe es top. Because of the vast market and the lack of experience or knowledge on some of the co umers part, purchasing a car is also co idered a very challenging sales experience. And when buying a car is such an important expe e to many people, most of whom do it for a long period of time and some of them even for a lifetime, whom can you trust? Automotive reviews offer a great deal of information such as comparative tests or co umer investigatio .

When it comes to informing the co umer, bigger i t always better, e ecially when the readers are deprived of getting honest advice because of some interests that a particular busine or company holds. When you read automotive reviews, what you should look for are the skeptical journalism and critical comments which will guarantee that your best interest as a co umer comes first. Car reviews should offer a whole lot more than just the photos and ecifics of a car. Automotive reviews can be found in new apers or auto magazines, but they will rarely jump at the chance of pointing out a particular flaw of a car. The internet this is the place where you can find the most recent automotive news, but also the honest critics who are more than willing to inform you, in their automotive reviews, of po ible flaws of a particular car, flaws that the manufacturers probably already know about but have chosen to conceal it because its in their best interest, and certainly not the co umers.

When discu ing a car flaw, some co umers choose to see for themselves rather than take the reviewers word for it. This is where the internet car reviews may come in handy. With the aid of new technology in multimedia, the user can actually see for himself what the car reviewer is talking about. With so many optio when purchasing a car, and e ecially with the financial effort that this step is for many people, the negatives a ects in car review are those that can make the difference, because such flaws will bring upon the co umer a even greater expe e over the years. The internet is reliable as far as automotive reviews are concerned, since theres no pre ure from any manager or editor to cut down on the criticism because its bad publicity for that car brand.

The internet is also a reliable source for automotive news, from car i urance and maintenance, used vehicles, safer driving, buying and selling cars to new releases and celebrity cars.


Searching for an apartment can be tough. First you have to sort through all the ads and find out whi

Searching for an apartment can be tough. First you have to sort through all the ads and find out which apartments are in your desired area. You know, fairly close to your work and all. Then you have to do the whole price range thing. After all, you don't even want to bother with vacancies that are way beyond your budget. This is an utter waste of time. Furthermore, if you're in a major city, this proce can get depre ing. Try a boston apartment search or some places in Manhattan. How can anyone even afford these?
The up-side to doing an apartment search in this day and age is the convenience provided by your laptop. As we all know, it's a synch to get online and check out what ots are vacant and up for gra . Try this with a boston apartment search right now. You'll soon see what I mean. Finding the place amounts to hardly any effort at all. Of course then you have to head on over to where ever it's located, take a serious look around, and scan the building for flaws. This can be rather tedious and require some actual effort. Finally, then comes the worst part. How about sla ing down first and last months rent? Oh and, don't forget about the bit they hold just in case you do some damages to the place. Anyway, after you're through with all that, you're pretty much set in your new pad. Stop! Okay, you did the boston apartment search or where ever you were interested i you did the scrutinizing for quality; and you did the paying thing. Wait a minute; you're not finished at all. You still have to tackle the most grueling and irksome part. Yeah, you have to move all your stuff in. I've been there and done that four times now. I can't honestly say that I ever want to do it again.
Well, one thing is for certai doing a boston apartment search is simple now days. In fact doing a search for apartments or real estate is simple anywhere in this world. It's all thanks to PCs and Macs. Unfortunately the monthly rent and moving in part will never be fun or easy. Hey, if you are thinking of doing a boston apartment search, I must warn you that you're in for some hefty price tag. The same goes for real estate in this area.


If youre in the proce of buying a car then you should prepare yourself for the extended warranty. E

If youre in the proce of buying a car then you should prepare yourself for the extended warranty. Every car sales person will try to sell you some form of extended warranty when you are buying a car, whether it is new or used.

Some of these auto warranties are scams and should be avoided at all costs, however some of them can be a useful form of protection.

If you are u ure how much one of these extended guarantees would cost then you should defiantly read this article.

An extended auto warranty gives a greater level of protection than just the standard dealer guarantee. All extended warranties are different; however most allow you the flexibility of being able to have your car repaired at any lice ed service centre, rather than just the dealer that you brought the car off.

The extended warranties offer the standard repairs of mechanical breakdow , but it also often includes a 24 hours a day roadside a istance, car rental if the car is out of action, towing fees, many other services including lock out, replacement of fluids and jump stars.

Few car buyers actually know anything about auto warranties, many people a ume that an auto warranty will pay for anything that could po ibly go wrong. Unfortunately this is not true.

There are exclusio to everything, and extended car guarantees are no exception. You will likely find a list of many items that are excluded from the repair by warranty, and it can cause you to wonder what there is exactly covered. It may seem like nothing is covered, and the only things that you get are the roadside a istance perks, and car rental facilities.

There are many we ites on the internet that can give you advice about how to buy an auto warranty online. You should carefully investigate these. Many people sell extended guarantees, so you dont have to have the one that is offered by your dealer. Dont give into the hard sell, make sure you shop around before choosing which extended warranty you use.

An extended warranty is only as good as the company that i ues it. I could promise you a brand new car should your car ever break down, however should that ever ha en I wouldnt be able to afford to pay out.

Ok so maybe thats a stupid example as you wouldnt trust me to offer you i urance, its ok Im not offended I understand. But its exactly the same with a company, if the company is unable to afford to pay out it will just fold.

You can get extended warranties from several sources, including warranty brokers, and i urance grou .

As you will no doubt know that the car dealership will almost always offer an extended car warranty, however you should look somewhere else for these warrantees as often the first offer is not the best. If you purchase your warranty from an external company then you should be able to find one that provides the right level of cover for you, and also you should be able to get a great deal.

Its worthwhile checking out a credit union, other i urance dealers and even looking on the internet to find some great deals for extended warranty. Car buyers generally have a margin of around one-third to negotiate on the extended warranty, so its worth bearing that in mind. Also remember that the younger your car, and the le mileage it has done the cheaper it will be to get an extended warranty. This is because older cars are a greater risk.

Before you hand over your money make sure you thoroughly read the contracts to find out what the manufacturers warranty provides. Many manufacturers guarantee the car for 3 years or 36,000 miles.

If you plan to trade in your car within three years, then you are unlikely to need an extended guarantee. However you should bear in mind the mileage restrictio .

Just make sure you dont get co ed, again I could offer you i urance for 100 years, and only 30,000 miles. This doe t even match the mileage by most manufacturers, when choosing the i urance quote make sure you compare both figures.


When you are looking for a credit card, you probably already know that you ca ot beat a 0% APR inter

When you are looking for a credit card, you probably already know that you ca ot beat a 0% APR interest credit card. After all, what can be better than paying no interest? Of course, this only a lies to the introductory offer, but it can sure beat the interest levels you may already be paying on another credit card. Getting the perfect 0% APR interest credit card, however, will not come as easily as that. Here are some other things that you want to look for to make your credit card an even better deal.

0% APR Interest May A ly To More Than One Thing

When you look at the ads for credit cards and you see 0% APR interest credit cards, it may a ly to more than one thing. Generally, it a lies to the overall interest rate on the credit card. This mea that there is no interest charged on a balance during the introductory period. Of course, there will be late fees if you do not make the minimum payment on time.

The other thing it can a ly to is the balance tra fer option - if it has one. This option on a 0% APR interest credit card mea that you can make tra fers of outstanding balances from other cards onto this card and pay 0% APR interest. The time frame, however, is what you need to notice, since it may be different than the general introductory offer. Also, check to see if there is a balance tra fer fee or not. Some cards can charge up to 4% for this service.

Rewards Available

Just about any kind of reward may be po ible with a 0% APR interest credit card. So, if you are looking for air miles, a student card, a busine credit card, or any other kind of reward - it can be found somewhere. Rewards mea that you can get anywhere from one to six points for every dollar that you charge to the card.

These points accumulate and you can get either rebates in cash amounts, or discounts toward future purchases. Many cards will give you more points toward the purpose of the card (gas card, air miles card, etc.), but many will also give you one to three points for every purchase you make at the grocery store, the pharmacy, and the gas station.

Compare Card Offers

Before you sign-up for the 0% APR interest credit card, you will want to shop around some and see which one may be the best offer for you. There are many offers out there - in the mailbox and online, but not all of them are what you really want. Be sure to look at the various fees, and try to get one that has as few fees as po ible. If you have good credit, this will allow you to get a good card and better rates of interest.

Remember to pay for your purchases each month in full and on time. This way you are sure to be able to enjoy the rewards without having fees and charges eat away at your benefits.


Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that ecial woman that I will wanted t

Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that ecial woman that I will wanted to end the rest of my life with, but then the bu le would burst. I discovered that what I wanted from the relatio hip and what I actually had was vastly different. Probably my expectatio were too high. I just wanted love, to be loved and to share my life with a ecial person. The women I tend to fall in love with tend to have different ideas. Some of the women wanted to be su orted, some seemed to just want a friend and then some really didn't know what they really want.

I found that I tended to stay in the relatio hip too long. I didn't leave when I knew I should. I did this because I always had hoped that the relatio hip would change for the better. I had discovered that this is a false hope and never got better.

My problem is that I am was easy. What people call a pushover. It probably is a combination of low self esteem, shyne and having a really easy personality. I try to take life in stride. Even though I think I know what is ha ening, it is still really easy to take advantage of me.

My love life had gotten so bad that after my last relatio hip I decided I never wanted another relatio hip again. I was finished with this search that I have been told from childhood. It was the fantasy that I must seek and find the right woman to share a life with, to su ort and take care of. I came to believe that that was "garbage" advice. I would take care of these woman buy they never gave back to me.

But, Internet dating has helped me slowly understand and change my personality traits. I have registered with a few online dating sites that I had researched on Google and found on dating site directories. I did not go to to the big boys, like eHarmony or Match. I stayed with the smaller sites, to learn and get comfortable with this new form of finding a companion.

I first started with a dating site, which is now out of busine , because it had a forum area. In the evenings after work I would go and log into the forum to meet new people. I met both men and woman and many had similar experiences to me. I felt comfortable, because, I was anonymous, and could make myself known only when I wanted. I gue this is the shyne in me. I then moved onto another site I found on Google and sounded fun. It turned out to be a good decision.

I found a community of people with similar interests that I quickly started to make friends with. I also was able to find friends in my local city and we started to hang out. We occa ionally as a group would meet in restaurants and other times meet for drinks. It was a comfortable setting for me and a lot of fun.

Well, about 3 months after joining the dating site forum, I met a woman that seemed to share similar interests as myself. We made each other laugh and actually we both were in no hurry to meet face to face. We were having so much fun on the internet with each other we were afraid it wouldn't last if we met face to face. This went on for 7 months until I got up the nerve to invite her out to one of our grou get-togethers at a local restaurant.

To my surprise meeting her in person for the first time was like meeting someone I always knew. It was a very comfortable feeling to meet someone the first time, but know all about her because we had been conversing on the forum for so long.

Well, to make a long story short, we went out with the group a few more times before deciding to go it alone by ourselves. It has been 2 years with this wonderful woman and I have never been ha ier. It took me 30 years to find the woman of my dreams. And, I am very ha y.

Without the internet and doing some life searching and changing some of my personality traits, I don't know if I would have ever had the courage to really search for ha ine .

I believe there are people like me who are also lost when it comes to dating. The best advice I could give them is find a dating site you are comfortable with a step in one foot at a time and find ha ine . Good Luck!


When it comes to buying an expe ive item, people are more reluctant to doing it quickly. They usuall

When it comes to buying an expe ive item, people are more reluctant to doing it quickly. They usually take the time to carefully look at all the features of the desired product. Only after completing these stages do they give up the large amount of money that product costs.

The investments in land are among the things people do with great care and attention. The seller must thoroughly be investigated, so that the investment is a good and profitable one. You have to be aware of its fluctuating prices. Since land prices are always registering an upward rise in the graph, its best to invest in purchasing it without much hesitation. This should be done, of course, not at the cost of overlooking other relevant factors i.e. a buyer has a limited budget and further delay on his part can often result in his inability to purchase his desired land.

Furthermore, once a piece of land is purchased, the owner always has the golden o ortunity to sell it off at an enormous profit. Land prices are always going up and so the buyer can enjoy great profit whenever he sells it to another interested person!

Those interested in purchasing land should not wait any longer. They must always remember that land is an a et that everyone wants to covet as much as po ible. Investing in real estate is always a safe bet compared to investing in the stock market. Given the present market statistics, land prices are said to be going further up in the near future. So, for those of you who want to make money out of this busine , now is the best time for buyers to buy land.

The buyer must find the right person from whom he wants to purchase his land. Nowadays, a roaching a real estate firm would be a really good thing to do. A number of firms offer lands at below market value and a ist buyers to purchase lands with built-in equity. Besides, buyers are also offered co ultation services with regard to the tra action. They are welcome to make the required investigation with regard to their purchase. These firms also take care of the legal formalities. Thus, buying land has become easier than never before. Anyone can try his or her luck at least once! So, do not waste any more time and get on investing!

Saturday, January 19, 2008 

We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly,

We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly, all property that has a money value or exchangeable value, overflowing stock of useful goods having economic value at any one time.
The word wealth originated from the old English word weal, which mea well-being or welfare.

Wealth is basically defined as one having an abundance of goods and resources or the ability to po e any type of goods or resources in abundance with the exchange of money. Another portion of the definition of wealth is po e ing real estate or personal property with an exchangeable value. Wealth can also be defined as a state of well-being or good health.
In modern society, we have an increasing number of avenues to obtain wealth. Society must simply gain the knowledge and skills nece ary to implement the proper strategies and techniques.


One strategy is called (triple compounding), suggested by Steve Sjuggerud. Sjuggerud is the writer of investment letter --True Wealth--. He unfolds, Your account can grow at rapid eeds for three reaso : First, you are adding to your account every month. Second, if you invest in growth mutual funds, your accounts NAV (net a et value) is likely to increase overtime. Third, all dividends and distributio are automatically reinvested.


Thursday, January 10, 2008 

Second mortgages can be very intimidating and risky, and for that reason it is probably best to avoi

Second mortgages can be very intimidating and risky, and for that reason it is probably best to avoid them if you can. Here are a few second mortgage alternatives that you might not have thought of.

The best way to go, of course, is to simply get an u ecured personal loan. These may have slightly higher rates than second mortgages (depending on your circumstances), but they arent secured agai t your home and they dont put you in the position of taking a gamble on future house prices. If youre left with a choice between borrowing a lower amount with a personal loan or a higher amount with a second mortgage, you should co ider cutting back your pla to fit a personal loan for home improvements, for example, is far le risky.

If you want the money for home improvements, you might find that there are ecialist lenders willing to talk to you and lend you more than usual DIY stores might offer you interest-free credit, for example, during which time you can save up the money to pay. You may also be eligible for various grants or tax breaks from your local council for some kinds of home improvement phone them up to check.

Another alternative is to remortgage. Many people dont understand the difference between remortgaging and taking out a second mortgage, but it is quite different. If you remortgage, you move your entire mortgage over to a different provider, at which time you can choose to borrow more than you originally did. This gives you the advantage of keeping all your debt in one place and at a lower interest rate.

Ultimately, if youre not sure what to do, the best thing is to see an independent accountant or financial advisor who can talk you through your optio . It might seem pricey, but in the long run, they almost always save you far more than they cost.


I am very delicate and always too cold , and I watch how many other people like me sleep with electr

I am very delicate and always too cold , and I watch how many other people like me sleep with electric-blanket I went to the stores and got one for me. The first thing that Im going to tell you is that even if this blanket didnt really change my whole life, it definitely made cold winter nights a pleasure!

What I really didnt know about the whole story is that I was quite lucky; it seems that within all the confusion and the rush to get a product that I had never used before, I just stumbled on the best one! Yes, if you asked me today what I have to say about Dreamland Electric Blanket then, the only thing I would say that I simply couldnt have imagined how this product could be better. Honestly, its worth its weight in gold.

First of all, a radical difference between Dreamland Electric Blanket and the others of its kind is that this electric blanket will warm up, up to 3 times faster! To be exact, it will only take a rough of 10 minutes for the blanket to warm u I have seen other products of this kind that need more than 30 minutes! Personally, I find this 10 minute warm-up-time to be optimal; right before you decide to go to sleep, you can turn the blanket on, wash your teeth/feet and then go ru ing i ide a hot nest that is waiting you!

A very cool feature of the blanket is that it features an extra-warm area for your feet. Remember what I just told you about rushing to your bedroom after you have just washed your feet? E ecially if you like to wash your feet with cold water, the blanket will really give you a great feeling.

Technically eaking, the blanket has 9, linear heat level if you choose the first level then you will barely notice it but if you go for the last level, you will definitely have some trouble sleeping i ide such a warm nest! Additionally, you have the option to program the blanket so that it will either stay ON all night long or it will automatically turn off after 70 minutes.

Finally, you should know that Dreamland Electric Blanket comes with a 3 year guarantee as well as all the nece ary safety checks. There really i t any need to say more about this blanket, just go get it!


When I was a little younger and studying in college I needed to take out a loan to buy a car. I a li

When I was a little younger and studying in college I needed to take out a loan to buy a car. I a lied for a loan with a large, reputable lender and was turned down almost immediately. Id mi ed some payments on a credit card a couple of years earlier, and a arently I had a poor credit history. I wanted to know exactly how bad my credit was, so I logged onto the Internet to find out. I was surprised to learn that finding out my credit score wa t nearly as difficult as I had expected.

I discovered that there are places on the Internet where you can find your credit score quickly. I also discovered that my credit score wa t just made up of a single number it was actually three different credit scores, each compiled by one of the three credit bureaus: Experian, Tra Union and Equifax. However, I can find all three of these credit scores on the Internet, and use them to a e my own credit. Furthermore, I found a few places where I could get a credit report cheap!

To find my credit score I typed the term FICO into a search engine. FICO is the name of the most widely known scoring system in the US (but not the only one). That search led me to sites such as and Using these sites you can buy a copy of your credit report for as little as around $15.

All I had to do to get hold of my cheap credit score report was to enter a few details such as my name, addre and social security number, and then make my payment. Once Id done that I had i tant acce to my credit score. However, if youd prefer to get a free credit report you can also sign up for a free trial. That way you can get acce to your credit score without having to go through the ha le of using your credit card.

Now I can get acce to my report whenever I want, so I can keep an eye on my credit score and be informed as soon as it gets better so I can start looking for low interest rate loa and credit cards.


To market your property, you are going to need to have some choice photographs. Before whi ing out t

To market your property, you are going to need to have some choice photographs. Before whi ing out the camera, however, you need to give some thought to the proce .

Why Photographs for Your Listing Are Important

One of the most important things that will set your property out from others is photographs. When a buyer is looking in MLS, on the internet or in some other location, photographs draw their attention. Is this shallow? Well, yes and no.

Unle you are talking to a lawyer or ychiatrist, words are cheap. Indeed, the real estate world has its own lexicon of terms that dont really mean what they say and are the basis for some ide remarks. For i tance, a cozy home is a real estate methodology for saying a property is SMALL! The question, of course, is how small are we talking? This is why photographs are key to your marketing efforts.

In the view of most buyers, the initial proof in the pudding is in photographs. Almost nobody really believes any of the adjectives used in real estate advertisements. Frankly, they words could mean anything. Much like a dating site, however, photographs tend to shed a more objective light on the subject. Unlike a dating site, a property doe t tend to dramatically age over five years, change hair color, go bald or gain some unwanted pounds. Put in practical terms, buyers dont believe your words, but do believe your photographs.

If you give some thought to what I just said, you will realize that I am suggesting that most buyers a ume you will lie about your property in advertisements. Dont take it personally. They dont know you, so why should they trust you? Frankly, they should not. That being said, you can use this distrust to your advantage.

You would be shocked how many people put little or no effort into the photographs of their property. As an old commercial slogan stated Image is everything. A shallow statement, but true. Your photographs represent the first curb a eal impre ion buyers will get of your property.

This mea you need to strongly co ider hiring a profe ional photographer to take the photographs. They understand lighting, angles and so on. It may sound like an u ece ary expe e, but it can be the difference between a sale and sitting on the market for month after month.


We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly,

We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly, all property that has a money value or exchangeable value, overflowing stock of useful goods having economic value at any one time.
The word wealth originated from the old English word weal, which mea well-being or welfare.

Wealth is basically defined as one having an abundance of goods and resources or the ability to po e any type of goods or resources in abundance with the exchange of money. Another portion of the definition of wealth is po e ing real estate or personal property with an exchangeable value. Wealth can also be defined as a state of well-being or good health.
In modern society, we have an increasing number of avenues to obtain wealth. Society must simply gain the knowledge and skills nece ary to implement the proper strategies and techniques.


One strategy is called (triple compounding), suggested by Steve Sjuggerud. Sjuggerud is the writer of investment letter --True Wealth--. He unfolds, Your account can grow at rapid eeds for three reaso : First, you are adding to your account every month. Second, if you invest in growth mutual funds, your accounts NAV (net a et value) is likely to increase overtime. Third, all dividends and distributio are automatically reinvested.



I am very delicate and always too cold , and I watch how many other people like me sleep with electr

I am very delicate and always too cold , and I watch how many other people like me sleep with electric-blanket I went to the stores and got one for me. The first thing that Im going to tell you is that even if this blanket didnt really change my whole life, it definitely made cold winter nights a pleasure!

What I really didnt know about the whole story is that I was quite lucky; it seems that within all the confusion and the rush to get a product that I had never used before, I just stumbled on the best one! Yes, if you asked me today what I have to say about Dreamland Electric Blanket then, the only thing I would say that I simply couldnt have imagined how this product could be better. Honestly, its worth its weight in gold.

First of all, a radical difference between Dreamland Electric Blanket and the others of its kind is that this electric blanket will warm up, up to 3 times faster! To be exact, it will only take a rough of 10 minutes for the blanket to warm u I have seen other products of this kind that need more than 30 minutes! Personally, I find this 10 minute warm-up-time to be optimal; right before you decide to go to sleep, you can turn the blanket on, wash your teeth/feet and then go ru ing i ide a hot nest that is waiting you!

A very cool feature of the blanket is that it features an extra-warm area for your feet. Remember what I just told you about rushing to your bedroom after you have just washed your feet? E ecially if you like to wash your feet with cold water, the blanket will really give you a great feeling.

Technically eaking, the blanket has 9, linear heat level if you choose the first level then you will barely notice it but if you go for the last level, you will definitely have some trouble sleeping i ide such a warm nest! Additionally, you have the option to program the blanket so that it will either stay ON all night long or it will automatically turn off after 70 minutes.

Finally, you should know that Dreamland Electric Blanket comes with a 3 year guarantee as well as all the nece ary safety checks. There really i t any need to say more about this blanket, just go get it!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 

When you are looking for a credit card, you probably already know that you ca ot beat a 0% APR inter

When you are looking for a credit card, you probably already know that you ca ot beat a 0% APR interest credit card. After all, what can be better than paying no interest? Of course, this only a lies to the introductory offer, but it can sure beat the interest levels you may already be paying on another credit card. Getting the perfect 0% APR interest credit card, however, will not come as easily as that. Here are some other things that you want to look for to make your credit card an even better deal.

0% APR Interest May A ly To More Than One Thing

When you look at the ads for credit cards and you see 0% APR interest credit cards, it may a ly to more than one thing. Generally, it a lies to the overall interest rate on the credit card. This mea that there is no interest charged on a balance during the introductory period. Of course, there will be late fees if you do not make the minimum payment on time.

The other thing it can a ly to is the balance tra fer option - if it has one. This option on a 0% APR interest credit card mea that you can make tra fers of outstanding balances from other cards onto this card and pay 0% APR interest. The time frame, however, is what you need to notice, since it may be different than the general introductory offer. Also, check to see if there is a balance tra fer fee or not. Some cards can charge up to 4% for this service.

Rewards Available

Just about any kind of reward may be po ible with a 0% APR interest credit card. So, if you are looking for air miles, a student card, a busine credit card, or any other kind of reward - it can be found somewhere. Rewards mea that you can get anywhere from one to six points for every dollar that you charge to the card.

These points accumulate and you can get either rebates in cash amounts, or discounts toward future purchases. Many cards will give you more points toward the purpose of the card (gas card, air miles card, etc.), but many will also give you one to three points for every purchase you make at the grocery store, the pharmacy, and the gas station.

Compare Card Offers

Before you sign-up for the 0% APR interest credit card, you will want to shop around some and see which one may be the best offer for you. There are many offers out there - in the mailbox and online, but not all of them are what you really want. Be sure to look at the various fees, and try to get one that has as few fees as po ible. If you have good credit, this will allow you to get a good card and better rates of interest.

Remember to pay for your purchases each month in full and on time. This way you are sure to be able to enjoy the rewards without having fees and charges eat away at your benefits.


Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that ecial woman that I will wanted t

Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that ecial woman that I will wanted to end the rest of my life with, but then the bu le would burst. I discovered that what I wanted from the relatio hip and what I actually had was vastly different. Probably my expectatio were too high. I just wanted love, to be loved and to share my life with a ecial person. The women I tend to fall in love with tend to have different ideas. Some of the women wanted to be su orted, some seemed to just want a friend and then some really didn't know what they really want.

I found that I tended to stay in the relatio hip too long. I didn't leave when I knew I should. I did this because I always had hoped that the relatio hip would change for the better. I had discovered that this is a false hope and never got better.

My problem is that I am was easy. What people call a pushover. It probably is a combination of low self esteem, shyne and having a really easy personality. I try to take life in stride. Even though I think I know what is ha ening, it is still really easy to take advantage of me.

My love life had gotten so bad that after my last relatio hip I decided I never wanted another relatio hip again. I was finished with this search that I have been told from childhood. It was the fantasy that I must seek and find the right woman to share a life with, to su ort and take care of. I came to believe that that was "garbage" advice. I would take care of these woman buy they never gave back to me.

But, Internet dating has helped me slowly understand and change my personality traits. I have registered with a few online dating sites that I had researched on Google and found on dating site directories. I did not go to to the big boys, like eHarmony or Match. I stayed with the smaller sites, to learn and get comfortable with this new form of finding a companion.

I first started with a dating site, which is now out of busine , because it had a forum area. In the evenings after work I would go and log into the forum to meet new people. I met both men and woman and many had similar experiences to me. I felt comfortable, because, I was anonymous, and could make myself known only when I wanted. I gue this is the shyne in me. I then moved onto another site I found on Google and sounded fun. It turned out to be a good decision.

I found a community of people with similar interests that I quickly started to make friends with. I also was able to find friends in my local city and we started to hang out. We occa ionally as a group would meet in restaurants and other times meet for drinks. It was a comfortable setting for me and a lot of fun.

Well, about 3 months after joining the dating site forum, I met a woman that seemed to share similar interests as myself. We made each other laugh and actually we both were in no hurry to meet face to face. We were having so much fun on the internet with each other we were afraid it wouldn't last if we met face to face. This went on for 7 months until I got up the nerve to invite her out to one of our grou get-togethers at a local restaurant.

To my surprise meeting her in person for the first time was like meeting someone I always knew. It was a very comfortable feeling to meet someone the first time, but know all about her because we had been conversing on the forum for so long.

Well, to make a long story short, we went out with the group a few more times before deciding to go it alone by ourselves. It has been 2 years with this wonderful woman and I have never been ha ier. It took me 30 years to find the woman of my dreams. And, I am very ha y.

Without the internet and doing some life searching and changing some of my personality traits, I don't know if I would have ever had the courage to really search for ha ine .

I believe there are people like me who are also lost when it comes to dating. The best advice I could give them is find a dating site you are comfortable with a step in one foot at a time and find ha ine . Good Luck!


Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that ecial woman that I will wanted t

Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that ecial woman that I will wanted to end the rest of my life with, but then the bu le would burst. I discovered that what I wanted from the relatio hip and what I actually had was vastly different. Probably my expectatio were too high. I just wanted love, to be loved and to share my life with a ecial person. The women I tend to fall in love with tend to have different ideas. Some of the women wanted to be su orted, some seemed to just want a friend and then some really didn't know what they really want.

I found that I tended to stay in the relatio hip too long. I didn't leave when I knew I should. I did this because I always had hoped that the relatio hip would change for the better. I had discovered that this is a false hope and never got better.

My problem is that I am was easy. What people call a pushover. It probably is a combination of low self esteem, shyne and having a really easy personality. I try to take life in stride. Even though I think I know what is ha ening, it is still really easy to take advantage of me.

My love life had gotten so bad that after my last relatio hip I decided I never wanted another relatio hip again. I was finished with this search that I have been told from childhood. It was the fantasy that I must seek and find the right woman to share a life with, to su ort and take care of. I came to believe that that was "garbage" advice. I would take care of these woman buy they never gave back to me.

But, Internet dating has helped me slowly understand and change my personality traits. I have registered with a few online dating sites that I had researched on Google and found on dating site directories. I did not go to to the big boys, like eHarmony or Match. I stayed with the smaller sites, to learn and get comfortable with this new form of finding a companion.

I first started with a dating site, which is now out of busine , because it had a forum area. In the evenings after work I would go and log into the forum to meet new people. I met both men and woman and many had similar experiences to me. I felt comfortable, because, I was anonymous, and could make myself known only when I wanted. I gue this is the shyne in me. I then moved onto another site I found on Google and sounded fun. It turned out to be a good decision.

I found a community of people with similar interests that I quickly started to make friends with. I also was able to find friends in my local city and we started to hang out. We occa ionally as a group would meet in restaurants and other times meet for drinks. It was a comfortable setting for me and a lot of fun.

Well, about 3 months after joining the dating site forum, I met a woman that seemed to share similar interests as myself. We made each other laugh and actually we both were in no hurry to meet face to face. We were having so much fun on the internet with each other we were afraid it wouldn't last if we met face to face. This went on for 7 months until I got up the nerve to invite her out to one of our grou get-togethers at a local restaurant.

To my surprise meeting her in person for the first time was like meeting someone I always knew. It was a very comfortable feeling to meet someone the first time, but know all about her because we had been conversing on the forum for so long.

Well, to make a long story short, we went out with the group a few more times before deciding to go it alone by ourselves. It has been 2 years with this wonderful woman and I have never been ha ier. It took me 30 years to find the woman of my dreams. And, I am very ha y.

Without the internet and doing some life searching and changing some of my personality traits, I don't know if I would have ever had the courage to really search for ha ine .

I believe there are people like me who are also lost when it comes to dating. The best advice I could give them is find a dating site you are comfortable with a step in one foot at a time and find ha ine . Good Luck!


When it comes to buying an expe ive item, people are more reluctant to doing it quickly. They usuall

When it comes to buying an expe ive item, people are more reluctant to doing it quickly. They usually take the time to carefully look at all the features of the desired product. Only after completing these stages do they give up the large amount of money that product costs.

The investments in land are among the things people do with great care and attention. The seller must thoroughly be investigated, so that the investment is a good and profitable one. You have to be aware of its fluctuating prices. Since land prices are always registering an upward rise in the graph, its best to invest in purchasing it without much hesitation. This should be done, of course, not at the cost of overlooking other relevant factors i.e. a buyer has a limited budget and further delay on his part can often result in his inability to purchase his desired land.

Furthermore, once a piece of land is purchased, the owner always has the golden o ortunity to sell it off at an enormous profit. Land prices are always going up and so the buyer can enjoy great profit whenever he sells it to another interested person!

Those interested in purchasing land should not wait any longer. They must always remember that land is an a et that everyone wants to covet as much as po ible. Investing in real estate is always a safe bet compared to investing in the stock market. Given the present market statistics, land prices are said to be going further up in the near future. So, for those of you who want to make money out of this busine , now is the best time for buyers to buy land.

The buyer must find the right person from whom he wants to purchase his land. Nowadays, a roaching a real estate firm would be a really good thing to do. A number of firms offer lands at below market value and a ist buyers to purchase lands with built-in equity. Besides, buyers are also offered co ultation services with regard to the tra action. They are welcome to make the required investigation with regard to their purchase. These firms also take care of the legal formalities. Thus, buying land has become easier than never before. Anyone can try his or her luck at least once! So, do not waste any more time and get on investing!


We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly,

We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly, all property that has a money value or exchangeable value, overflowing stock of useful goods having economic value at any one time.
The word wealth originated from the old English word weal, which mea well-being or welfare.

Wealth is basically defined as one having an abundance of goods and resources or the ability to po e any type of goods or resources in abundance with the exchange of money. Another portion of the definition of wealth is po e ing real estate or personal property with an exchangeable value. Wealth can also be defined as a state of well-being or good health.
In modern society, we have an increasing number of avenues to obtain wealth. Society must simply gain the knowledge and skills nece ary to implement the proper strategies and techniques.


One strategy is called (triple compounding), suggested by Steve Sjuggerud. Sjuggerud is the writer of investment letter --True Wealth--. He unfolds, Your account can grow at rapid eeds for three reaso : First, you are adding to your account every month. Second, if you invest in growth mutual funds, your accounts NAV (net a et value) is likely to increase overtime. Third, all dividends and distributio are automatically reinvested.


Monday, January 7, 2008 

When you are looking for a credit card, you probably already know that you ca ot beat a 0% APR inter

When you are looking for a credit card, you probably already know that you ca ot beat a 0% APR interest credit card. After all, what can be better than paying no interest? Of course, this only a lies to the introductory offer, but it can sure beat the interest levels you may already be paying on another credit card. Getting the perfect 0% APR interest credit card, however, will not come as easily as that. Here are some other things that you want to look for to make your credit card an even better deal.

0% APR Interest May A ly To More Than One Thing

When you look at the ads for credit cards and you see 0% APR interest credit cards, it may a ly to more than one thing. Generally, it a lies to the overall interest rate on the credit card. This mea that there is no interest charged on a balance during the introductory period. Of course, there will be late fees if you do not make the minimum payment on time.

The other thing it can a ly to is the balance tra fer option - if it has one. This option on a 0% APR interest credit card mea that you can make tra fers of outstanding balances from other cards onto this card and pay 0% APR interest. The time frame, however, is what you need to notice, since it may be different than the general introductory offer. Also, check to see if there is a balance tra fer fee or not. Some cards can charge up to 4% for this service.

Rewards Available

Just about any kind of reward may be po ible with a 0% APR interest credit card. So, if you are looking for air miles, a student card, a busine credit card, or any other kind of reward - it can be found somewhere. Rewards mea that you can get anywhere from one to six points for every dollar that you charge to the card.

These points accumulate and you can get either rebates in cash amounts, or discounts toward future purchases. Many cards will give you more points toward the purpose of the card (gas card, air miles card, etc.), but many will also give you one to three points for every purchase you make at the grocery store, the pharmacy, and the gas station.

Compare Card Offers

Before you sign-up for the 0% APR interest credit card, you will want to shop around some and see which one may be the best offer for you. There are many offers out there - in the mailbox and online, but not all of them are what you really want. Be sure to look at the various fees, and try to get one that has as few fees as po ible. If you have good credit, this will allow you to get a good card and better rates of interest.

Remember to pay for your purchases each month in full and on time. This way you are sure to be able to enjoy the rewards without having fees and charges eat away at your benefits.


Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that ecial woman that I will wanted t

Finding love has always been hard for me. I think I had found that ecial woman that I will wanted to end the rest of my life with, but then the bu le would burst. I discovered that what I wanted from the relatio hip and what I actually had was vastly different. Probably my expectatio were too high. I just wanted love, to be loved and to share my life with a ecial person. The women I tend to fall in love with tend to have different ideas. Some of the women wanted to be su orted, some seemed to just want a friend and then some really didn't know what they really want.

I found that I tended to stay in the relatio hip too long. I didn't leave when I knew I should. I did this because I always had hoped that the relatio hip would change for the better. I had discovered that this is a false hope and never got better.

My problem is that I am was easy. What people call a pushover. It probably is a combination of low self esteem, shyne and having a really easy personality. I try to take life in stride. Even though I think I know what is ha ening, it is still really easy to take advantage of me.

My love life had gotten so bad that after my last relatio hip I decided I never wanted another relatio hip again. I was finished with this search that I have been told from childhood. It was the fantasy that I must seek and find the right woman to share a life with, to su ort and take care of. I came to believe that that was "garbage" advice. I would take care of these woman buy they never gave back to me.

But, Internet dating has helped me slowly understand and change my personality traits. I have registered with a few online dating sites that I had researched on Google and found on dating site directories. I did not go to to the big boys, like eHarmony or Match. I stayed with the smaller sites, to learn and get comfortable with this new form of finding a companion.

I first started with a dating site, which is now out of busine , because it had a forum area. In the evenings after work I would go and log into the forum to meet new people. I met both men and woman and many had similar experiences to me. I felt comfortable, because, I was anonymous, and could make myself known only when I wanted. I gue this is the shyne in me. I then moved onto another site I found on Google and sounded fun. It turned out to be a good decision.

I found a community of people with similar interests that I quickly started to make friends with. I also was able to find friends in my local city and we started to hang out. We occa ionally as a group would meet in restaurants and other times meet for drinks. It was a comfortable setting for me and a lot of fun.

Well, about 3 months after joining the dating site forum, I met a woman that seemed to share similar interests as myself. We made each other laugh and actually we both were in no hurry to meet face to face. We were having so much fun on the internet with each other we were afraid it wouldn't last if we met face to face. This went on for 7 months until I got up the nerve to invite her out to one of our grou get-togethers at a local restaurant.

To my surprise meeting her in person for the first time was like meeting someone I always knew. It was a very comfortable feeling to meet someone the first time, but know all about her because we had been conversing on the forum for so long.

Well, to make a long story short, we went out with the group a few more times before deciding to go it alone by ourselves. It has been 2 years with this wonderful woman and I have never been ha ier. It took me 30 years to find the woman of my dreams. And, I am very ha y.

Without the internet and doing some life searching and changing some of my personality traits, I don't know if I would have ever had the courage to really search for ha ine .

I believe there are people like me who are also lost when it comes to dating. The best advice I could give them is find a dating site you are comfortable with a step in one foot at a time and find ha ine . Good Luck!


When it comes to buying an expe ive item, people are more reluctant to doing it quickly. They usuall

When it comes to buying an expe ive item, people are more reluctant to doing it quickly. They usually take the time to carefully look at all the features of the desired product. Only after completing these stages do they give up the large amount of money that product costs.

The investments in land are among the things people do with great care and attention. The seller must thoroughly be investigated, so that the investment is a good and profitable one. You have to be aware of its fluctuating prices. Since land prices are always registering an upward rise in the graph, its best to invest in purchasing it without much hesitation. This should be done, of course, not at the cost of overlooking other relevant factors i.e. a buyer has a limited budget and further delay on his part can often result in his inability to purchase his desired land.

Furthermore, once a piece of land is purchased, the owner always has the golden o ortunity to sell it off at an enormous profit. Land prices are always going up and so the buyer can enjoy great profit whenever he sells it to another interested person!

Those interested in purchasing land should not wait any longer. They must always remember that land is an a et that everyone wants to covet as much as po ible. Investing in real estate is always a safe bet compared to investing in the stock market. Given the present market statistics, land prices are said to be going further up in the near future. So, for those of you who want to make money out of this busine , now is the best time for buyers to buy land.

The buyer must find the right person from whom he wants to purchase his land. Nowadays, a roaching a real estate firm would be a really good thing to do. A number of firms offer lands at below market value and a ist buyers to purchase lands with built-in equity. Besides, buyers are also offered co ultation services with regard to the tra action. They are welcome to make the required investigation with regard to their purchase. These firms also take care of the legal formalities. Thus, buying land has become easier than never before. Anyone can try his or her luck at least once! So, do not waste any more time and get on investing!


We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly,

We ters Definition of Wealth: abundance of valuable material po e io or resources, abundant su ly, all property that has a money value or exchangeable value, overflowing stock of useful goods having economic value at any one time.
The word wealth originated from the old English word weal, which mea well-being or welfare.

Wealth is basically defined as one having an abundance of goods and resources or the ability to po e any type of goods or resources in abundance with the exchange of money. Another portion of the definition of wealth is po e ing real estate or personal property with an exchangeable value. Wealth can also be defined as a state of well-being or good health.
In modern society, we have an increasing number of avenues to obtain wealth. Society must simply gain the knowledge and skills nece ary to implement the proper strategies and techniques.


One strategy is called (triple compounding), suggested by Steve Sjuggerud. Sjuggerud is the writer of investment letter --True Wealth--. He unfolds, Your account can grow at rapid eeds for three reaso : First, you are adding to your account every month. Second, if you invest in growth mutual funds, your accounts NAV (net a et value) is likely to increase overtime. Third, all dividends and distributio are automatically reinvested.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008 

Hollywood loves the stock market. The chaos of the stock exchange floor, the te ion of boiler room d

Hollywood loves the stock market. The chaos of the stock exchange floor, the te ion of boiler room day-trading, devious power brokers making back room deal it all makes for great drama. Then you have the true-to-life stock market stories in the news: i ider trading, big money IPOs, the dot com bust. All of it is enough to make you steer clear of the market for good and travel down a safer investment path. But dont be frightened, history shows that long-term, theres no better place to put your money to watch it grow. Here are a few ti to get you started.

Stocks 101

Simply put, when you purchase stock in a company, you become part-owner of that company. Along with other shareholders, you all combine as investors in the busine , and therefore reap its rewards, or suffer its lo es. Stocks are most commonly divided into separate categories depending on the size and type of the company (e.g., mid-cap, small-cap, energy, tech, etc.).
While eculation can drive stock prices in the short term, its long-term company earnings that determine a stocks gai or lo es. eaking of short term, thats when stocks are extremely volatile. Over a an of just a few months or years, stocks can climb to astronomic heights or drop to pitiful lows. But, since 1926, the average stock has returned over 10 percent per year. Thats better than any other investment vehicle out there, and thats why stocks are your best bet for long-term investment.

Picking Stocks

Before you dive head-first into the market, there are a few things you should know about picking stocks. First, the markets performance as a whole is not nece arily a reflection of its individual stocks. Good stocks can keep growing even in a down market, while bad stocks have the frustrating tendency to drop or remain stagnant in a strong market.

Also, remember that history is not indicative of a stocks future performance. Even solid stocks can slip from time to time. Remember that stock prices are based on a companys earnings outlook, not its past performance. If the future looks bright for a company, a $100 dollar stock is probably a good buy. If earnings look le than promising, even a $5 stock can be a waste. Finally, investors determine a stocks value by measuring a handful of primary criteria, most notably cash flow, earnings, and revenue.


Its the rallying cry of all smart investors. When compiling an investment portfolio of stocks, its smart to own shares in companies from several different industries. Co ider it a hedge bet. When one part of the economy experiences a downturn, youll have other stocks in your portfolio to put your faith in.

When building your portfolio, the safest bet is to pick from financially strong busine es with earnings growth above the average. Surprisingly, that limits the lot to choose from, as only around 200 stocks today fit that bill. A solid portfolio features somewhere in the ballpark of 20 stocks selected from seven or more industries. A general rule of thumb is to invest in stocks with an above-average rate of growth and reasonable valuatio .

Buy and Hold

Day trading is a great way to lose your nest egg, but quick. As we noted before, stocks over the short term are highly volatile. Sure, brokers today are offering cheap trades, but beware. There are a ton of hidden fees and taxes involved with day trading, not to mention the amount of attention required by you to monitor the blow-by-blow proceedings of the market. Our recommendation: buy and hold. A ten percent return over the long term is nothing to eer at.


With gasoline prices steadily on the rise, many commuters are finding it more and more difficult to

With gasoline prices steadily on the rise, many commuters are finding it more and more difficult to justify ending their hard earned money on the high cost of fuel rather than other nece ities, including food and electricity. With that in mind, there are five simple ste that you can take to help stretch your dollar a little bit farther when it comes to your cars fuel co umption.

Carpool. If you have children who are in school, co ider sharing the driving re o ibility with other mothers that live nearby. This is e ecially helpful if you can alternate days. Perha you would drive the children on Monday and Wednesday, while the other women fill in on the rest of the weekdays. This will save you money on gasoline and will also make the childre ride to school a lot of fun because they will be riding with friends. The same is true of commuters on their way to work, who can share in the re o ibility and costs of driving amongst one another.

Buy a smaller car. If you own an SUV or other large vehicle, your gas mileage per gallon will be le than if you were to own a smaller car. As a general rule, larger vehicles just normally use more gasoline. If you want to save money on the cost of fuel, buying a smaller car is a good start.

Purchase a hybrid car. These cars are fairly new on the market and are still quite expe ive, but many find the benefits outweigh the high cost when they figure in their savings on fuel. Hybrid cars usually get better gas mileage per gallon and this results in big savings for the owner.

Turn off the ignition. If you are stuck in traffic that is moving about an inch per minute, then just put the car in park and turn the ignition off. While sitting in traffic, you are just using more and more gasoline and arent really getting anywhere. Rather than waste, try to save money by not leaving your car ru ing in parking lots or your driveway. If you need to stop by the store and will just be gone for a minute, take the time to turn the ignition off. In addition to saving on gasoline, you will be e uring that your car i t stolen by turning off the ignition and taking your keys i ide the store with you. Many people would be surprised to know how many sho ers actually leave their car ru ing while in the store.

Walk. If you live near a store, walk i tead of driving. This will save not only in the price of your cars gasoline, but also in the general everyday wear and tear that your car receives by being out on the road. No to mention, walking is good exercise and is generally safe for most people. So why not walk off some of those pesky winter pounds and save some money on gasoline in the proce .

The aforementioned ways are five of the most popular to help you save some extra money where fuel is concerned. Some of the more obvious ways are to stock up when gasoline is decreasing in price. If you get $10 or $15 worth of gasoline every few days, you may get a good price one day and a terrible cost per gallon during the next trip. However, if you fill up your cars gasoline tank while prices are still low, you will be sure to get the best deal po ible. Not only that, but you may also end up saving some time at the gas pump when all of the other co umers are waiting in line to fill up before the prices go even higher.


We all have different credit requirements, and so the credit card companies design various cards to

We all have different credit requirements, and so the credit card companies design various cards to suit. The variant we are interested in here is the student credit card. This card is designed to help any student build their credit rating, and be useful for emergencies, which is ideal for many.

These days a credit card is almost e ential for anybody, let alone students, and as such is used for many purposes including making travel arrangements etc. There is a wide selection available, and some students end up with multiple credit cards, and these are the people that are most likely to get into debt problems. The one saving grace is that credit cards for students usually have a fairly low limit, so if they do get into debt, it wont be too extreme.

A recent study has shown that about 80% of college students own credit cards with a typical balance being around $3500. A worrying thought to ponder is that when many students use their credit cards to buy stuff, they dont see it as ending real money.

Another worrying trend that has been reported is that a number of students are using their credit cards to top up the money that they have borrowed using student loa .

Do no take the amount you end on your student credit card lightly. Because if you over end or mi payments, you will end up paying extra interest, and po ibly damage your credit score. This might not seem too important to you now, but trust me, it will be a pain later on in life, as it will cause problems when you come to get a mortgage or auto-loan etc. Dont ask me how I know.

So, I will sum up by saying that a student credit card can be a very handy tool to have in your locker as you work your way through further education. Just use it re o ibly and be aware of the dangers. Also, do some research, there are some good deals out there.


Nothing gets people more riled up than a discu ion of taxes, but what alternatives are there to the

Nothing gets people more riled up than a discu ion of taxes, but what alternatives are there to the current system? The negative income tax is one such po ibility.

Tax Alternatives: The Negative Income Tax

The current tax system in the United States is an unmitigated disaster. Nobody really denies this fact, one of the few i ues that seem to unite republica and democrats in our country. The tax code is so big, nobody has a gra of it and that includes the IRS. While you and I may groan once a year when it is time to file our personal tax retur , larger corporatio dont have it much better. One well known corporation reported that they file the equivalent of one tax document with the IRS every 3 minutes! While the may or may not pay their share, the pure burden of filing taxes for them and us is crazy.

Given the nature of the me , one would think we would do something. The age old question, however, has been what functional alternative is there to the current me ? One proposal that has been around for some time is the negative income tax method.

The negative income tax was originally proposed in the 1960s by Milton Friedman, a fairly famous economist. His idea was not to just addre the collection of taxes, but to create a system that would do away with welfare, food stam and all types of government entitlement programs.

The basic idea at the core of the negative income tax rate system was a flat tax with a twist. The twist gets a bit complicated, but it involves tax deductio and negative income. A flat tax rate of say twenty five percent would be established on all income earned. You would then be able to take certain deductio agai t the tax for things like dependents [kids]. If your deductio totaled more than the total income you earned during the year, the government would then owe you all the taxes you paid in during the year and a percentage of your negative income. At this point, an example will probably help.

To make things simple, lets a ume we have a family of five with total earnings being $30,000. Further a ume the total deductio that can be claimed equate to $40,000. The head of household has negative $10,000 under our system. The government would then owe the family all the money they paid in during the year in taxes from paychecks and a percentage of the $10,000 of negative income. Not bad, eh?

The negative income tax rate a roach never really caught on with advocates. The system is ripe for attack because taxpayers have a major temptation to tweak their financial numbers to show negative income. Frankly, the criticisms were probably justified, but that should not distract us from the idea that the current tax me can be dealt with. There is an a wer to the me , but it will require thinking outside of the box as Milton Friedman tried to do.


Yes, the refinancing costs do matter for your Bucks, PA refinance (i.e. for refinancing your Bucks,

Yes, the refinancing costs do matter for your Bucks, PA refinance (i.e. for refinancing your Bucks, PA home mortgage loan). In fact, high refinancing costs can sometimes make the option of mortgage refinancing unviable altogether. General recommendation for going for a mortgage refinance (Bucks, PA refinance or any other) is that the difference between the prevailing mortgage rate and the mortgage rate on your mortgage should be more than 1.75-2.00 percentage points. This calculation itself is based on the refinancing costs of your mortgage loan.
The refinancing costs do rsquo;t include only the closing costs of the mortgage refinance; they also include the costs related to house i ection, the mortgage broker


An adjustable rate mortgage is just what its name implies-a home mortgage loan with a variable inter

An adjustable rate mortgage is just what its name implies-a home mortgage loan with a variable interest rate that is adjusted during the life of the loan.

Adjustable rate mortgages usually have two numbers a ociated with the loan offer, such as 1:1, 3:2 or 5:1. The first number ecifies the number of years that the adjustable rate mortgage will operate like a fixed mortgage until it comes up for an interest rate review for the first time.

The second number ecifies the interval of years which the mortgage will be reviewed for its interest rate after the initial review. For example, in a 5:1 adjustable rate mortgage, the mortgage would operate with a guaranteed fixed interest rate of x% until it is five years old, then it would go up for its first interest rate review. At that time, the interest rate would change to y%, and each year after that, for the life of the loan, the interest rate would be reviewed again.

When you go to a ly for a mortgage, you will be given two optio -a fixed rate mortgage or an adjustable rate mortgage. It is important that you do a good deal of research before you choose one or the other type of mortgage to e ure that you are doing what is best for your situation. Choosing an adjustable rate mortgage will depend largely on the current realty market in your area and your own financial situation.

Discu your optio with your bank or financial advisor before making any decisio on your home mortgage loan.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 

Leasing can be very confusing and there is a bit of a paradox here. If you do it right leasing can s

Leasing can be very confusing and there is a bit of a paradox here. If you do it right leasing can save you a ton of money and allow you to drive a much nicer vehicle than you could otherwise afford, but done wrong it can cost you thousands!

The principle behind leasing is simple; you are simply renting the car just as if from Enterprise or Alamo but for a longer period of time. You never own the vehicle unle you take out the option to buy it at the end. You do usually get to add things to it if you wish like custom wheels.

The tra action is very similar between a lease and a purchase with one important difference. When you purchase a vehicle you pay for the entire cost with your payments and down payment so for example if you bought a car for $20,000 and finance the car for 36 months you will pay the $20,000 plus interest and end up paying as much as $25,000 total.

If we look at a lease on the same car the tra action may be the same except that $10,000 is subtracted in advance from the amount the leasing company would charge every month. In this example you would pay payments based on 25,000 minus $10,000 and at the end the leasing company ow the car.

In theory if you can lease a vehicle for a monthly payment based on the same profit margin that you would pay if you purchased the vehicle it would be a great deal for many people. The problem is that it usually doe t work that way because dealers use the ability to hide things in the contract to rip people off. I have seen profits as high as $11,000 on one deal! You have to be careful.

Are you a candidate for leasing? If we listen to the automotive industry everyone should be leasing but this is simply not the case. Are you the type of person that always has a car payment and trades every three years? If so, a lease may be good for you. If your goal is to pay for a vehicle and then own it debt free then a lease is not what you want.

You must be sure that you are financially stable and know that your income will be able to pay the lease. Leases are very expe ive to break or terminate early. Dont lease if you are tight financially or have any concer about job security.


There are many reaso why people seem to prefer going on tour with their carava and with campers. M

There are many reaso why people seem to prefer going on tour with their carava and with campers. Maybe because the experience is unique, or maybe because it is a great way of seeing all the beauty of a country, which is imposible when travelling by train or by car. A very good reason is also that you do not depend on travel tickets or hotels reservatio . You just get up in the morning and choose your next destination. And that is the best part of it for sure!

If you choose to travel by carava , you become very attached to your vehicle and most of the carava owners try to make them as comfortable as po ible. Adding an awning to a caravan or to a camper changes much of the looks of it, but also hel to keep a co tant temperature in the caravan. Thus, you can keep the sun from changing the cool air i ide the caravan or camper.

Besides these comfort co ideratio , an awning can also give a personal touch to the place the camper sto his or her caravan, be it day or night. You can have the privacy that you want wherever you go. You just sit back and watch nature surrounding you from every corner.

Choosing an awning for campers and carava may seem an easy task at first glance, but it sometimes proves to be rather difficult, as awnings come in so many different styles, with prices matching almost every pocket. The size of the awning makes the difference in prices, the top price being that of awnings made for a certain camper or caravan.

If this is what everyone does nowadays to have fun on their vacatio , then it is perfectly normal that sales increase from year to year. Not every person can go travelling in a camper or a caravan, as they seem to need a lot of other things to be relaxed and to enjoy freedom. They probably dont know what they are mi ing! Sometimes simple things make perfect moments. And if the whole family is there beside you, there is nothing else in the world you can wish for.


The rising cost of living does not mean your family does not deserve to have a place they can call h

The rising cost of living does not mean your family does not deserve to have a place they can call home. If you are on a tight budget and could not afford brand new homes, there is still a way you can own your dream home. I tead of looking at these expe ive custom homes, you should co ider the advantages presented by Indiana foreclosure homes.

True, these homes have that lived-in look but with their low prices, buyers can tra form these homes into something that showcases their personal preferences. Foreclosure homes in Indiana are usually sold at a fraction of what their average market prices are in the open market. Even if buyers have them repaired or renovated, they still end up with much savings. In addition to this, the low prices also tra late to equal equity, which will surely delight real estate investors.

Availability is not an i ue with Indiana foreclosure homes. During the first quarter of the current year, there were 11,510 homes in some stage of foreclosure. Comparing it to the same period last year, the number of foreclosure homes has decreased by almost 25 percent. Such condition creates the perfect time for first-time buyers like you. These properties are currently co idered to be worthwhile investments.

Since you are a first time-buyer, it would seem hard to look for potential bargai unle you have a reliable search tool like the foreclosure listings from Foreclosure Deals. Aside from the thousands of available Indiana foreclosure homes, you will also be delighted with reliability of the information. Using the information included, you can easily find your ideal dream home that fits your family's lifestyle and budget.


Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actio of the past life determ

Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actio of the past life determine your fate or Karma of your present life, and the actio of your present life determine your future Karma. According to Indian astrology a person is born at that place, on that day and on that moment when his individual fate is in perfect mathematical harmony with the progre of the stars in heaven.

However it does not preach total dependence on fate. Astrology lets you know what you were born with, what your po ibilities are, the limitatio , your strong points and your drawbacks. What type of life partners and profe io suit you and to expect is also indicated. It also prescribes various remedial measures to ward off the bad effects and to enhance the good results. Astrology is your roadmap of destiny. However your fate is in your hands. The scriptures guide us by telling us what is good and what is bad; what to do and what not to do; how to do and how not to do. You are given a piece of land and the seeds to sow. How much effort to put in to it, what amount of manure and water to add and when how to reap the produce is your job.

After that it is you who have to act using your knowledge intelligence, discrimination and experience. Fate is like a game of cards where you ca ot help the cards that have been dealt to you but how to play them is in your hands. You may get good cards but if you play badly you will lose and you may get bad cards and still may win if you play carefully. Dont blame the roadmap if you get drunk, drive badly and have an accident!


Whenever I plan a weekend road trip, I always use a car rental. The idea of using a car rental when

Whenever I plan a weekend road trip, I always use a car rental. The idea of using a car rental when I already own a car may seem silly to some, but there really is several valid reaso for relying on a car rental. In fact, on long road tri I feel e ecially safe relying on a car rentalthe benefits derived from using a car rental are myriad.

First and foremost, when I use a car rental I know that I am not racking up the mileage on my own vehicle. Keeping the mileage on my own car low is very important to me because I am currently financing the car I own. In the future, I hope to trade the vehicle in on a newer model and I know that I will get more money in trade in value when I keep the mileage on my personal vehicle to a minimum.

Second, using a car rental allows me to feel extra secure when I am on the road. If anything ha e to the car rental that I am using, I only need to call a toll free number and I will have roadside a istance on the way. Further, for a few extra dollars I can have all the i urance coverage I need in the event of an accident and I know that I will not be held re o ible to any damage that the car rental may receive due to the fault of another.


After careful selection still to overcome is a warranty i ue. Nexu a Japanese based company who can

After careful selection still to overcome is a warranty i ue. Nexu a Japanese based company who can guarantee that every used vehicle sold has an accurate mileage count and that the vehicle has not been branded as a salvaged or flood-damaged vehicle.
If you buy a vehicle from Nexu with any of these i ues reflected on the title, we'll buy the vehicle back - It's that easy. That's our Clean Title Guarantee! Another way that Nexu is The Way Car Buying Should Be.
An established dealer would always have pla to su ort every individual and all dealers need with a history of honest partnership between sellers and buyers.
Open information exchange has to be foremost reason to growth that unravels all the resources for attaining certified i ected vehicles from auctio . These auctio are the best sources in su lying a regular volume of increasing used car demands. Long hours ent in selecting, recommending and purchasing the desired vehicles in full confidence should be the trade mark of your dealer. Knowledge about changing trends of Japanese used cars and un-biased advise to its new customers is a hallmark of succe .
Toyota, Mazda, Ni an, Isuzu, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, and Daihatsu. These are ofcourse co idered as BRANDS OF CARS, and have no competition with any other makers of the world. However, we have included some imported cars in Japan ,for those we are still learning. The favourite models in Japan are :
BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, Porche, Ford, Volkswagon, Renault, Saab, Chrysler. Other unique cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini and Alfa Romeo are also available i ide Japan.
Japan is most famous for compact cars due to their effective fuel co umption. The recent Hybrid cars also getting popular day by day as Toyota Prius a most popular Hybrid sedan is celebrating its 10th. a iver ary in 2007. Fuel prices are rising and so is the demand for Hybrid cars. HONDA CIVIC HYBRID is named as Car of year 2006 at USA car show. Famous models of Toyota are gaining importance in todays life, most favourites are :
Toyota Prius, Lexus , Alphard and Estima Hybrid and Harrier.
Ni an is also gaining high share value due to its dynamic designing and cost effective technology. Recently fuel efficiency has been prime target for Ni an also, and they have developed and i talled new engines in famous compact models and mini va .
Recently lanched Ni an Murano is doing good in SUV


Be silent when others cowardly eak; eak when others are cowardly silent. Refrain when

Be silent when others cowardly eak; eak when others are cowardly silent.

Refrain when others foolishly give, Give when others foolishly refrain.

Wise men see divinity in every face when, Fools see demo in every one.

Wise men re ond to attack with love in their hearts when, Fools react with fear and anger.

Be not like fools who judges others, But be wise in judging thyself foremost.

Seek not short-lived pleasures which cause thee to die as a mortal, But seek eternal values that thou may tra form into an immortal.

Be wise, live and act with soul purpose, Unlike fools who live and act carnally.

Thoughts bring pain, thoughts bring pleasure, Tra cend such ambiguity by tra cending thoughts.

Fools flee problems only to face them again, Be wise, face problems that thou may rise higher.

Deceit, violence, selfishne --these maintain mortality, Honesty, non-violence, selfishne --these evokes immortality.

Fools believe what they are not, to be what they are. Wise men understand what they are, to be what they are.

Fools are slaves to Nature; Wise men are her handmaide .

Fools are attracted to the eudo-gods in the forms of darkne , Wise men are attracted to the One God in the form of Light.

There is release and benefit in knowing Truth; There is bondage and harm in being deceived by the false.

Fools are attracted to a earances and are thus deceived, Wise men know their e ence and are thus liberated.

The values of men are foolishne to God, The values of God are foolishne to men.

Death is a stranger to and feared by fools, To wise men, "death" is a friend and welcomed.

Fools accuse all but themselves for their personal problem Wise men blame themselves alone for the problems of the world.

Fools pursue i tant development and attainment--their acquisitio are su equently i tantly lost; Wise men work diligently upon their own development and attainment--their acquisitio are permanently gotten.

Fools seek the quick way and thus unknowingly tread the long path; Wise men seek the right way and knowingly tread the quick path.

Fools look down and laugh, Wise men look up and sigh.

Fools are arrogantly complacent with their abundance, Wise men give thanks for their mere pittance.

A fool is a wise man at a certain stage of iritual progre , Just as a wise man is a fool at a certain stage of iritual progre ion.

Fools believe complexity to be of value, Wise men know simplicity to be of true value.

Wise men believing themselves wise are foolish, Fools knowing themselves foolish are wise.

The purpose of the Soul a fool does ignore, The purpose of the false ego the wise dismi .

False beliefs create the false ego, True knowledge manifests the True Soul.

Fools are asleep and dead to Reality, Wise men are awake and alive to it.

Fools believe the mind-body continuum to be the Self and thus they suffer, Wise men know the Self to be the Self and are thus liberated.

Fools delay iritual-culture for they forget the nearne of death; Wise men cultivate themselves every minute for they remember it.

Fools are attached to worldly phenomena and thus experience pleasure and pain, Wise men detach themselves from worldly occurrences and thus tra cend those dual states.

Fools find ways to work with human laws in conducting their misdeeds, Wise men simply obey Cosmic laws in conducting their lives.

Those who are beautiful see only beauty in God's creatio Those who are ugly see only ugline in everything

Fools conform to the letter of the law and are thus bound by it, Wise men conform to the irit of the law and are thereby liberated.

Fools understand the false to be true, and the true to be false, Wise men know the false to be false and the true to be true.

Fools believe wisdom, experience, and iritual development to be related to the physical years of a perso Wise men know that wisdom, experience, and iritual development to be related to the soul.

Fools only honor those that benefit them, Wise men honor all whom they benefit.

A fool is in confusion by his own state of mind, A wise men is in a state of joy for that is his true nature.

Fools believe themselves powerful but are dependent upon their external su ort Wise men are powerful for they are dependent upon none but their own subtle energy.

Fools await their luck, await their fate; Wise men create their luck, create their fate.

Without humility one is never wise, With humility one is never foolish.

All that is of value one takes along to the other side, All that is worthle one leaves behind.

Fools attack that which they do not know, Wise men surrender to that which they do know.

Those that boast of seeing God's light and are untra formed are fools, Wise men, however, are silent in words but loud in virtues.

He who would not give will not be given, He who gives shall be looked after.

Fools emphasize the pronoun "I" too much, Wise men no longer has such an egoic se e.

Fools judge what they see at the surface, what they believe to be and are thus misled. Wise men look into the hearts, the hidden thoughts, the character and light of men, and thus they judge wisely.

The costliest thing in the world fools ignore, Wise men treasure and nurture it co tantly and lovingly.

Fools believe that they have found what they are searching for and are thus complacent; Wise men are never complacent no matter where they stand.

Experiences serves no purpose unle its value is extracted; Its extraction is likewise valuele unle it causes a iritual tra formation.

Discipline may result in liberation or it may result in bondage, Fools serve discipline whereas wise men are served by it.

He who knows least believe himself to know most; And he who knows most believe himself to know least.

The higher we get the more subtle the temptatio Fools will always be deceived, glamored and deluded--wise men will always be on guard.

iritual tra formation requires more than a single ste The iritual Path is an eternal trek with a receding goal.

One's iritual understanding is in a co tant state of evolutio There is no moment when a person is completely right in his comprehe ion.

Huma who believe human beings to be the pi acle of creation remain as such. Saints believing sainthood to be the highest remain as such; gods who believe godhood to be the highest will likewise remain at that level.

Without opening the heart jewel there is no true unfoldment; Without love and compa ion unfoldment is not true.

The purpose of life is more than knowing God; For by knowing God one becomes aware of more purposes in life.

He lies when he says he knows God and yet shows vice One's virtues declares one's knowledge of God.
Fools wait to be chosen, Wise men choose to be chosen.

Fools think as mortals and thus suffer; Wise men think as immortals and are thus liberated.

The disciplines of the past may not be a licable for the present; The disciplines of the present may not be a licable for the future.

Fools unthinkingly follow disciplines without questioning their purpose; Wise men seek to learn their purposes and to know their relevancy and nece ity.

In everything, fools seek quantity rather than quality; Wise men, however, seek quality rather than quantity.

Fools pride themselves in being the highest-evolved creature in the universe; Wise men know themselves to be the brothers to the lowest and highest beings.

Fools pride themselves with their years of discipline and experiences of a single incarnatio they often judge others by this human standard. Wise men know their practices and experiences of many incarnatio but are silent; they judge others by this Soul standard.

Those new to iritual practices in this lifetime may be old vetera of many incarnatio . Those experienced in iritual practices in this lifetime may be toddlers from a soul-standpoint.

Copyright 2006 Luxamore

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